by Quentin 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quentin

    Frist Day 10/5/2010:

    Have six left in the box....should I smoke them up and start fresh tomorrow? Or chunk them out now? Temptations, temptations....more tomorrow...

  • beksbks

    Happy Oct. 5th Quentin.

    My Dad tried to quite several times. When the WT article on DF for smoking came out, he tossed them that night, and never smoked again. Surely you can do the same without the motivation from "them".

    His name was Quentin too.

  • VampireDCLXV

    DON"T DO IT MAN! Noooooooooooooo! It's not worth it.


  • Rabbit

    Quentin, hey guy...Hang in there.

    Maybe you could imagine very graphically...how your body has already improved, every time you stopped smoking? It's absolutely true.

    One of the very first bad things to leave your red blood cells...is carbon monoxide. You know the stuff that kills you from the tailpipes of your car. CO only has 1 molecule of oxygen, as opposed to regular oxygen, O² , which has 2 and is bigger. CO from your ciggy is absorbed twice as much in the red cells, then, doesn't leave easily. Oxygen cannot enter, if it's full of carbon monoxide. That's a simple explanation, but, when the CO does go, you can absorb MUCH more Oxygen...which helps heal EVERYTHING in your body.

    I didn't know all the things you had going on, I'm sorry to hear that for you and your wife. I understand more than you know...my wife and I are both in serious shape. And, we don't smoke, so it doesn't cure everything, hopefully it will make things much easier. I've got faith in ya'.

    Keep up the good work!

    Call me?

  • tec

    If you're going to do it, then chuck them tonight. (I have no experience in this, but if you're going to do anything, do it right then, instead of waiting for 'tomorrow')


  • Quentin

    Second Day 10/6/2010:

    His name was Quentin too. That's cool Beks, used to think Quentin was not a common name. Seems it is. My dad was one of those who could lay them down and walk away as well.

    I do sleep on oxegen at night Rabbit. Heh, heh, can't smoke then, less I wont to set my hair on fire...

    Ah Tammy, smoked all of them to the nub. I'm a chain smoker took about 1/2 an hour.

    It's 6:45 PM here...so far I have NOT smoked. Go to bed around 9PM, if I don't give in for that last smoke before bed will have gone a whole day. That's the funny thing the frist several days are easy. When that thrid, or fourth day rolls around the craving hits hard. Least I saved about $10 today, that's a good thing too.

  • sabastious

    monyana monyana!


  • Snoozy

    I can't believe the price of a carton of cigarettes, that alone should motivate you!

    Let alone being on oxygen full time...

    Watching a friend die of emphesema was motivation enough for me..

    When I quit(one time lol) I had a pack in the drawer under the microwave.

    It stayed there for 5 years. It was unopened.

    I did open them and smoke them 5 years later when hubby died..

    Took me another 3 years to quit. It's been 3 years now and I know it's for good... I feel great and my health is so much better.

    It's so worth not giving into those urges to "light just one up".

    Hope you make it..it's a great feeling to NOT smell like cigarettes when someone hugs/kisses you.


  • Rabbit
  • Quentin

    Third day 10/7/

    Nothing exciting today, except all day without WOOHOO!!!

    Five years,eh. Wonder your lungs didn't melt. Least you got back on track. ...I can't believe the price of a carton of cigarettes(Snoozy). Yup, can get them, "on sale", for 43.99 plus tax, big deal. Put a match to two one hudred dollar bills, be as good. Health and money, both must be nurtered.

    Show me the money Sab.....Thanks for the link Rabbit. Ummm, errrr...can't find your phone number. PM me and we'll trade out...

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