
by In 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • In

    Wrote a letter to family kinda laying out that I don't want to be apart of it anymore. Didn't specify issues, but now I'm getting the dumbest emails hounding me about how the borg is the annointed organization of God and his Spirit.

    It's not official yet. I wonder what they'll do. I wonder if they'll disfellowship me even though I refuse to talk to them about religion...

    Feels REALLY good though, to be free.

  • funnyface

    Your about to lose your family I am afraid.

    It is good to be free but loved ones are missed

    Hope they love you more than the Org....Good Luck

  • In

    yeah, well, it's been a growing rift. they knew I was on my way out and I'm tired of the guilt tripping.

    We need to go through this process, and, if possible, establish a healthier relationship -- one in which I am not lying and miserable anymore.

  • Ding

    Glad you're free.

  • In

    Ding: It's just beginning.

    I'm free mentally, but there's a long road to travel.

    Of course, I read something from Ghandi recently that in Hinduism those who are overly attached to the results of their actions are never satisfied. That, to be happy, we must detach our happiness from the produce of our actions and be satisfied with the actions themselves.

    That's my mental focus, HOWEVER --

    I played a VERY good act. Right now, no one but my parents know. Next comes whoever they talk to... none of my "friends" know. It will be a scandal... my parents just recently were asked to be in a part on good parenting... because we're the only family who hasn't had disfellowshipped kids yet and all my siblings are finally baptized.

    Until now. And I will be the first apostate in at least 10 years from this congregation, maybe more. The first kid to leave because of apostasy, so I imagine it will be a small scandal, behind closed doors. Glad I ain't there in person to experience it.

    On a side note...

    The freedom came with this massive realization of reading these scriptures that are used to hate on those who leave, and realizing that the scriptures are only talking about those who deny Christ as coming in the flesh. NOT people who leave a hypocritical false prophet religion.

    It's so basic, but it's the sort of thing that only people who have been in will understand.

  • braveheart

    dear In, Congratulations on your FREEEDOOOOOMMMM !!!!

    My favorite subject....I was never IN...but I have many siblings who got sucked in to the Borg with my Mom.

    There is freedom in Christ, we don't need some man made religion to control our lives.

    There is strength in you....I feel it! I wish you well in your journey.

    - BH

  • tec

    I'm glad you're free, In. Despite the difficulties that you seem prepared to face, there is relief in honesty. I also also really like that quote from Ghandi.


  • In

    @tec : I think Ghandi was talking about the Bhavagad Gita, a popular text in Hinduism.

    I recommend reading it -- the principles have a lot of parallels in Christianity.

    I honestly think reading the Gita helped me understand the concept of working for God, of why riches make it difficult to enter the "kingdom" or God's dwelling, and how to become a more spiritually realized person.

    Of course, ultimate Indian spirituality is those who are born knowing this is their last time and they do all things and are all things for God. That is unique to their religion, but it doesn't mean us Christians can't benefit.

  • flipper

    IN- It can be a lonely road to blaze a trail for freedom for yourself dealing with JW family. I admire your honesty & tenacity . I'm sure you'll continue to receive dumb E-mails from your JW family because they think they are trying to " save " you. Some in my JW family attempted that 7 years ago when I stopped attending. Hopefully like myself there might be SOME in your JW family or relatives who will accept or respect your right to fade and stop attending meetings. In my family it's a mixed bag. Some relatives shun me- some don't and respect my right to feel as I think. My advice to you - stay the course and continue in your freedom pursuit - don't let anybody control you. I wish you the best

  • In

    Thanks Flipper.

    I... well, I ain't putting the whole story up here cause I don't know who half you freaks are and I don't need to be identified.

    But yeah, I know what I'm in for, and it's going be ok.

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