Ted Haggard Defends Bishop Eddie Long. OH THE IRONY!!!!

by whereami 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • whereami

    Religion...the biggest Hypocrisy mankind has ever practiced.


  • LisaRose

    I am not surprised a bit. I once heard preacher ted give a memorial service. He was a great speaker, but something about him just struck me as phony. This was not long before the scandal. The whole big box church thing was pretty off putting as well, the auditorium could hold about 1000 people, they had giant screens everywhere, ugh. Now he has a church again, and people are flocking to this hypocrite and phony, I don't get it. Doesn't surprise me that he would defend Eddie Long. Come on Ted, just be what you are (a gay man) and stop pretending.

  • wasblind

    As Shakespear would say: "Doth protest to much"

  • xchange

    Based on the reasoning of the gay pastor, I can essentially go into the 'sacred texts' of the bible and choose to take out or disbelieve what I find oppressive. In his case, the texts were around prohibiting homosexuality. Ok, I find the concept / idea of god to be oppressive. Further to his reasoning is that as long as I don't say, 'god does exist', I am able to speak in 'TRUTH'. Wow, time for me to setup a megachurch.

    There is no end of these religious leaders creating divisions in society today. They bicker back and forth on their interpretation of theology and yet maintain that the bible is a standard and trustworthy for all humanity. Right.....

  • wasblind

    Bishop Long, Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Baker, Ted Haggard

    they all seem to have hypocrasy in common, when will people

    ever learn.

  • wiser

    Jesus warned us about the sheep in wolves clothing. People seemed to be turned on to smooth talkers rather than the truth of God. Eddie Long wont be the last faker.

  • notverylikely

    Bishop Long, Jimmy Swaggert, Jim Baker, Ted Haggard

    You forgot the GB :)

  • wiser

    Sorry,I got my wording backwards. Jesus warned us about the wolves in sheep clothing!

  • wasblind


    yes the GB should have been on the top of my list.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    He's s false prophet as well.

    Here he is in New Zealand in October 2003


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