Whats the weridst thing youv'e ever seen on the platform?

by highdose 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • highdose

    Apart from a member of the GB of course...

    I've personly seen a brother gesturing so much he sent the mic stand flying!

    Another who opened his mouth to speak and burped loudly into the mic instead!

    any others?

  • zoiks

    There was a very socially awkward brother in the hall where I grew up. One SUnday he got to be Chairman, and took that to mean he was also the WT conductor. He refused to leave the stage when the real WT conductor went up...so the real WT conductor sat back down, content to watch the train wreck from his seat.

    Then the PO got up and stage and had some heated whispered words with the guy, whose face got very red, and off the stage he went. A very strange few minutes!

  • undercover

    One old hall had a drop off behind the platform but wasn't noticeable because of a curtain. Everyone knew it was there and didn't go near the curtain.

    A visiting speaker who was all animated and liked to move around kept stepping back and forth in his talk (trying to be all Baptist preacher and shit). He finally stepped back too far into the curtain, his foot slipped off the ledge and he fell off the back of the stage out of sight. Funny as shit...

  • elderelite

    i saw a sister have an episode. oh yea. yelling and screaming. out of her mind. her husband had to pull her out of the hall

  • little witch
    little witch

    Children being forced by parents (who were pressured by elders) to perform like marionettes on stage. Then being "graded" on the performance and told there oh indeed would be a next time. I have been one of the wierd ones, and witnessed lots of weird ones. Children running off stage to vomit, chapped bloody lips, stage fright, panic disorders.....Weird that parents would let their children be subjected to scrutiny in that awful way.....


  • serenitynow!

    A sister started crying in the middle of her talk and ran off the stage.

  • serenitynow!

    An elderly brother saying the prayer gave thanks for sending jesus to die on the cross for us.

  • letsslatejws

    Two sisters were doing a talk number 3. The one sister read through the scripture and said orgasum instead of organisum.... The congregation went quiet and every teenager looked around at each other sniggering !!! The adults just scorned at us teenagers and gave us daggers for looks :p

  • CuriousButterfly

    A brother giving the announcements and must have forgot something because under his breath he said "oh sh*t". I looked at my husband and asked "did he just say what I thought he said?" He confirmed, I busted out laughing, asked for the recording to hear it again.

  • LisaRose

    Well this wasn't from the platform, but I was at a meeting once and two sister started going at it in the bathroom during a meeting. Apparently one had an interest in the other one's husband, and they were screaming so loudly you could hear it throughout the hall. I think slapping was involved as well. Most interesting meeting, ever.

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