'Theocratic Warfare' - Do you know when and where it started?

by EdenOne 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    'Theocratic Warfare'

    Who concocted this doctrine? None other than Frederick F. Franz, vice-president of the Watchtower Society, in July 24th, 1955, in a speech delivered at the District Convention "Triumphant Kingdom".

    .............................Image result for Watchtower logo

    Image result for snake oil salesman..Image result for Watchtower Fred Franz..Image result for snake oil salesman

    .....................................Frederick F.(F**Ked Up) Franz..

  • Lieu

    Hitler was a dynamic speaker too ....

    Anyhoo, there is no theocratic warfare(TM); it's simply telling lies like Satan.


    How could ANYONE trust an organization that says that you can lie about your faith if it brings in more people.

    My brother regrets telling me of the policy called 'lying for the truth'.

    At first, I thought there's no way that an organization that refers to itself as 'the truth' would allow a policy of lying for the truth.

    Toned down to 'theocratic warfare' doesn't help because our warfare should be against evil and not people who are made in the image and likeness of God.

    just mho

  • punkofnice
    If the WBT$ promotes lying to non JWs to entrap them into the cult, then what the JWs need to ask is: Are the watchtower leaders lying to me and why?
  • Saintbertholdt

    Hi EdenOne,

    I believe the Watchtower already used it in the 1940s. They called it the "Rahab technique".


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