He's coming ...

by sacolton 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    Don't forget the fighting on who gets to invite to CO to dinner ... and those sweet sweet green-handshakes!!!

  • brotherdan

    A green handshake will DEFINITELY get you an assembly part. Maybe even a district convention part if it's big enough!

  • miseryloveselders

    It's the typical hierachy that causes them to kiss up so badly. Just as elders expect MS's to kiss their asses, so the CO expects the same deferential adulation from the elders. The DO's expect the CO's to kiss their asses and so on up the ladder. The Governing Body of course, expects everyone from the R&F to Jesus Christ to kiss their asses.

    Plus, the CO can delete whoever he wants as an elder. All you have to do is piss him off and you're history. Since many elders love their power and position, they will do anything to make sure they keep it.

    The bad part about all of this is its so true, and it disgusts me. Since being a teenager I remember Ice Cube saying, "I'm not saying this to diss each and every fan, women you can ride, but men be a man. Shake my hand, and make it a firm shake, say wdup Ice Cube and then break! Cuz if you stand around, I'm gonna tell ya loud and clear, get off my d#$# and tell ya b#$# ta come here!"

    Granted thats a crude way to say be a man, but its fitting. I've seen brothers begging to take the CO and his wife out to dinner. Brothers having their wives bake cakes and what not. As a man I find it disgusting. Rather die on my feet than kiss booty and live on my knees.

  • Heaven

    Ooooh... it's that time of the year again, is it? The guy who comes to 'stir up trouble' according to my Dad.

    I thought you were talkin' about THIS guy:

    Santa Claus

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    If you haven't read this one yet you have to go to Freedminds and read this one by LovesMeNot on the CO's visit. It is hilarious!


  • St George of England
    St George of England
    P.S - I know it's been covered before, but how do you add quote blocks?

    Copy the section you want and paste it into the reply section. Add a couple of returns, this is important. Highlight the section you want in a quote box and then click on STYLES. When it drops down select QUOTE and it's done.


  • sir82

    Our ex-PO never went out in field serve-us with anyone else in the congregation, except for the occasional odd Saturday.

    But he was there for field serve-us every day the CO came to visit!

  • sacolton

    I remember the first time I encountered the importance of the CO visit ... I was a new recruit and late for the field service. As I pulled into the parking lot, everyone was just getting into their cars to go out in service. I jump into one of the vans and it just happen to have the CO ... he gave me such a dirty look and said, "You're late!" and I just said, "Better late than never." and smiled. He wasn't very happy with me.

  • undercover
    Our ex-PO never went out in field serve-us with anyone else in the congregation, except for the occasional odd Saturday.
    But he was there for field serve-us every day the CO came to visit!

    Isn't that like one of the perks of being the PO (COBOE)? Seems like almost every PO I knew did the same thing...

  • notverylikely

    My son is going in the service with the CO on saturday. Fortunately he's super happy about missing the meeting on sunday to go to a cookout with me

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