"You are only looking at things 'critical' of the Watchtower"

by sabastious 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious

    Something JWs say that to a lot to people who have left or are leaving the Org.

    I find it very a very ironic statement since the WT and Awake, or any WT literature for that matter, is never critical of itself and never directly addresses refutation of their doctrine and predictions...

    I was raised a Witness, as many of you were. I have been subjected to "one-side-of-the-coin" for almost 2 decades! The ONLY true way to bring balance to my information is to look at the OTHER SIDE of the coin and give it great consideration...


  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Ask them if they avoid being critical of other religions. Perhaps you should have two microscopes: a powerful microscope to examine other religions and a weak microscope for JW faith. That seems to be what they're asking for.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    What's the scripture that talks about having cheating scales or two pairs of scales?? (read: a double standard)

  • sir82

    Ask them if they were planning to buy a car, would they only read the literature provided by Chrysler and no one else?

  • miseryloveselders

    When your whole outlook on the WTS has been based off their own personal glamour shots that you found defective, what'd they expect? To be fair I'm going through a new period of reflection. I was on a critical high regarding all things WT. Then I found some positive things I can agree with, but not much. I think I'm finally landing upon that rational yet not delusional critical opinion I've been seeking.


    The WBT$ has printed All the Information,that shows them to be Frauds..

    Who is responsible for what the WBT$ writes?..The Outside World?..

    Dumb Ass`s!!..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • sabastious
    Ask them if they were planning to buy a car, would they only read the literature provided by Chrysler and no one else?

    This is an interesting analogy. The WT would apply this analogy to potential converts and encourage ones to "check them out" etc etc. But once baptised that kind of mindset is not tolerated.


  • undercover
    Ask them if they were planning to buy a car, would they only read the literature provided by Chrysler and no one else?

    That's an example I like to use.

    If I'm buying a car, I will go to the BMW website (Chrysler, yuck) and check out their specs and options. But then I'll go to a consumer advocate site to check on issues possible discovered by third party testing. And then I'll go to a BMW forum page where enthusaists talk about their cars. If I am satisfied in all three areas, then I'll take the plunge and buy the car. If there are issues out there, then I'll avoid it.

    It kills me to hear JWs tell people, "If you wanna know what JWs believe, ask one, or go to our org's website. Everyone else is lying." And that's when you ask if they research cars before buying.

    Anyone searching a religion should be even more diligent. Picking a lemon religion may result in far more problems down the line than a lemon car.

  • sabastious
    It kills me to hear JWs tell people, "If you wanna know what JWs believe, ask one, or go to our org's website. Everyone else is lying."

    If a car dealer said that any sane person would laugh in their face and go find another place to buy a car.


  • leavingwt

    Have you heard a JW speaker talk about the glass of water with ONLY one drop of poison?

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