It Is Getting Dark

by compound complex 42 Replies latest social entertainment

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    You're a jewel, Nancy Drew.

    Thanks for the confidence boost. I want to move forward with my life, but it will not include robbery, you can bank count on that!

    Many thanks for a practical outlook that can work even for a dreamer!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Three candles have been burning bright, bright and true as
    I sit and I stare into my own personal and intractable oblivion;
    however, the tapered red triplets have begun to gutter though
    all my windows have been shut against even the smallest draft.

    The first whose wick I set to flame has grown cold as, so too,
    has the warmth that once so lovingly caressed my robust frame.
    As a penetrating fog new to a once lively mind has settled in and
    dampened my soul, I glance the second scarlet torch; it goes dead.

    Anxious - terrified - that changes swift and sure are invading the land I
    do love, I shield my eyes in fear from the third and last before it, too, bids
    adieu to a darkening room ... yet I sense it blazes all the more merrily while
    vision dims and a stiff cold wind from a broken pane intones night has come.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    No longer do I fear the night.
    I move about yet unseen to
    eyes that once sent daggers

    And ears that heard the worst
    but never the best of who I was.

    Dark is good - it hides the shape
    that I've become and shields me
    from scolding tongues of hateful

    Men who themselves are immune
    from the little pains of folk like me.

    I love the shadows but haunt the
    day to remind myself that light has
    its worth but no more a place for me.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    It is 5 o'clock - a new morning whose awakening dawn creeps up onto an ancient, unmoving horizon, an imaginary horizontal line toward which I have always looked with a hopeless desire.

    The hands of my clock advance in the usual direction; nevertheless, the anticipated rise of the sun appears delayed - delayed for reasons I understand deep within. Is my darkened outlook upon life and love the reason my landscape remains as black as an hour before when, as someone once said, the night is darkest before the dawn?

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    He opened his eyes to a dimly lite room and casually glanced at the clock as he turned his body towards the window no sun yet. His depressed thoughts began to gather and he prepared himself for another lonely day when suddenly he thought 'what did that clock say" turning back he realized it was 9:30 and where was the sun? He bolted up and looked out the window and his depressed thoughts fled from his mind. The sky was strange a peculiar shade of red an ominous feeling began to overpower him something wasn't right.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Nancy.

    Beautiful. Sorry I hadn't commented sooner.

    It's been 7 months . . .

    CoCo en retard

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Later that day he would discover that the warm summer evening had somehow turned into a chilly january morning as he realized that seven months had mysteriously disappeared.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The bracing chill of this January morn creeps
    with stealth into my forsaken life, promising

    To be attentive to my need for the desolation
    and darkness peculiar to a dirty winter's day.

    Health and light and good cheer are but faint
    memories of a life gone bad, but my resolve

    Says to soldier on, marching with head held
    high as life fades to black in this film noir.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    The sun rises on the horizon and in my heart . . .
    It is a light my eyes thought never again to see,

    Yet, here it is, and I rejoice to awake with mind
    and soul ready to move on, goodbye all despair.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    That was the day everything changed

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