Getting Old Can Be So Good

by believingxjw 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • believingxjw

    Getting old is one of the most beautiful things in my life. Sure, I get tired easily and I have my physical limitations but it is a wonderful place nonetheless!

    Why? Perspective! Letting go of the unimportant. Appreciating the important things in life. Appreciating things that when I was younger I never noticed. Loving my parents as I could never love them in my youth. Understanding them as I never could in my youth. Loving my family for themselves and not how as a young mother I wanted them to be. Loving life. Loving myself. Loving the differences between people even if I don't agree.

    Seeing the cycles of life. Knowing and experiencing for myself that all life is beautiful and precious and so fragile. Appreciating when I can walk down the street and breathe the cool air. Touching the salty waves on the seashore. Watching parents play with their little ones as I played with mine and knowing that they likely do not appreciate the shortness of the time they have with them. Seeing the birds fly overhead and appreciating that like myself this is their time to soar and one day I and they will soar no more. And that this is okay. This is life.

    Being old is no picnic physically but emotionally and mentally it can be the best place ever experienced if we let it be.

  • palmtree67

    Very beautifully said.

  • believingxjw

    Thank you Palmtree.

  • tec

    Being old is no picnic physically but emotionally and mentally it can be the best place ever experienced if we let it be.

    Agreed. I look forward to every age I reach, and all the things I learn from the experiences under my belt. I'll mimic Palmtree : Very beautifully said.


  • cameo-d

    I am glad you think getting old is such fun.

    What are you---32? Just find your first gray hair?

    Getting old is lotsa fun. You can have my aching back and the spots floating in my eyes.

    You can be the last to laugh when you get down and you can't get back up and the kids just laugh and mock the commercial, "Help I've fallen and I can't get up."

    There are still many decisions to make about your "future" even when you get older. Like, do you let your teeth fall out one by one or just go ahead and pull them all and get dentures.

    It's nice that you can gracefully adjust to the physical changes of "old age". How thick are your toenails, girlie?

    Yeah, getting old can be so good.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    "Touching the salty waves on the seashore." That line really hit home. I was off yesterday and went to the beach. I just sat in my car watching the waves (very small ones) break. Before I left I had to at least go for a walk on the beach and get and my feet wet. I only went in the water up to my knees. I just stood there letting the ocean ebb and flow around me for quite some time. When I got back to my car I felt wonderful. I wish I could always have that frame of mind.

    Great post! You gave me something to think about in regards to aging.

  • yesidid

    And how old are you believingxjw?

  • snowbird



  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    what age are we talking about?

  • yesidid
    what age are we talking about?

    My question too.

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