So...what is theocractic warfare?

by Joliette 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • thetrueone

    Yes theocratic warfare pertains to lying on a question posed about the organization or its hierarchal leaders.

    So in other words to stay in " The Truth " you are expected to lie when appropriately necessary.

    This assertion by the WTS. comes out of its own self supportive arrogance and corruption and is not

    made up stuff by apostates by the way, it comes right off the pages of the Watchtower.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Since the wtbs believes they are gods minions any person, organization, government or human rights groups that oppose them in any way don't deserve the truth and they have no qualms about bolding lying or signing documents never intending to honor them. they will lie in court and deliberately deceive.

    They believe anything to protect the organization is ok. They also lie and deceive in the literature and from the platform.

  • dgp


  • thetrueone

    They believe anything to protect the organization is OK.

    That is an important aspect to this entire situation, protecting the organization ( god's organization )

    is a righteous responsibility if you truly want to be a part of the organization and who wouldn't want

    to be apart of god's own solemn organization that he's established here on earth. sheesh

  • believingxjw

    Theocratic warfare is the Organization doing whatever it wants regardless of the scriptures.

  • exwhyzee

    As an example of Theocratic or spiritual warfare I remember them using the example of when Abraham, in order to spare his own life, told King Abimelech that his wife Sarah was his sister. King Abimelech took Sarah for himself but spared Abraham because he was her brother.

    Sarah was Abrahams half sister as well as his it wasn't a total lie but it was a withholding of information so as to lead Abimelech to the conclusion they wanted him to.

    A modern day example would be when Witnesses work in apartment buildings or neighborhoods where they aren't allowed in. They go in under some false premise, once in, they go from door to door for as long as they think it's safe to do so without getting tossed out.

  • Terry

    Cognitive Dissonance is like the two sides to an electric wire; you can't let them touch or the shock can really damage you!

    In JW terms: one side of the wire is Real World and the other side is Fake World (theocratic belief.)

    Theocratic warfare is what you MUST DO to keep the real world from intruding into your fantasy world.

    The Truth is a lie. Maintaining any lie requires more lies. Why? Because Reality intrudes and challenges the lies.

    Theocratic Warfare is the cognitive dissonance plan of action to prevent the wires from touching.

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