Divine Name

by brotherdan 33 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • brotherdan

    I know this has been a often discussed topic. But I just can't understand the WT's take on this. They freely admit that we DO NOT KNOW HOW GOD'S NAME WAS PRONOUNCED. See the divine name brochure page 7 which states:

    "The truth is, nobody knows for sure how the name of God was originally pronounced. Why not? Well, the first language used in writing the Bible was Hebrew, and when the Hebrew language was written down, the writers wrote only consonants—not vowels. Hence, when the inspired writers wrote God’s name, they naturally did the same thing and wrote only the consonants."

    This in itself is true yet does not give the entire truth and they are hiding the facts. There are more reasons why we do not know what God's name really was. Why? Translators hit the Jewish combination YHWH and weren't sure what it translated as. So they stuck in the vowels from the Hebrew word for Lord (adonai). Combining IHVH (another form of YHWH) with AOAI creates IAHOVAHI and the IA becomes IE out of tradition. So we've got IEHOVAHI.

    The divine name brochure, in a VERY brief paragraph DOES refer to this in very little detail. It says on page 8: "When it came to God’s name, instead of putting the proper vowel signs around it, in most cases they put other vowel signs to remind the reader that he should say ’Adho?nai′. From this came the spelling Iehouah, and, eventually, Jehovah became the accepted pronunciation of the divine name in English. This retains the essential elements of God’s name from the Hebrew original."

    Now since we DO NOT know the original spelling AND pronunciation of God's name, would he require that we used a man made name? For example, if my name was Dan and someone said that the ONLY way to know him is to use his name, and his name is Nad, could that be true? My name is NOT Nad. If someone called me that I would know that they DID NOT know me.

    When Jesus taught us to pray to God, did he tell us to use that name? Or did he tell us to use something else? Matthew 6:9 is very clear that we are NOT to pray to "Jehovah". We are to pray to..."Our Father". If my son was to use my personal name when talking to me, I'd see it as a sign of disrespect. So even if God's name WAS pronounced Jehovah, would it not show more respect and show a more personal relationship with him to call him "Father"?

    And yet...JWs INSIST that you MUST use this man made name of "Jehovah" in order to please God. In fact, they say it is a PROOF that they have the true religion. Because translators do not desire to insert a man made name into the Bible and instead more closely follow the evidence that we have, the WT calls them evil.

    Shame on you, JWs...shame on you.

  • unshackled

    You're right BroDan...it doesn't make sense, but no surpise there.

    I think they clung to the name Jehovah because it was just another way to differentiate themselves from all other christianity. In order to create an elitist group that is "separate" from the rest of the world you gotta stand out as "unique". Not celebrating xmas, birthdays, etc. is the same thing. Gotta create the us versus them mentality. Gives the people a sense of "we ARE different and special" which further entrenches them in their fake world. Just a piece of the puzzle that creates a tightly controlled group in society. IMO.

  • brotherdan

    Right, and I have NO problem with people believing this. But they go a step further and say that because everyone else disagrees with them, they are bad people that reject God himself... That's the problem that I have.

  • PSacramento

    The name is irrelevant, really, I mean IF you really wanna use God's name and ignore Jesus telling us to pray to Our Father, then you can use JAH because at least it is in the NT as an actual name.

    But the issue, at least to me, is nOT the term jehovah and all the history and controversy that goes with it, the issue is that JW's identify themselves as witnesses for "jehovah" and that in ACTS Chapter 1, Jesus makes clear that HIS followers ate to be Witnesses for HIM:

    8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; a nd you will be my witnesses i n Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

  • PSacramento

    I wonder how many JW fathers are Ok with their kids calling them by their given names...

  • brotherdan

    Good point, Psac! IF the name "Jehovah" is wrong...then who are they REALLY witnesses of? Hmmm....

  • LostGeneration

    I agree, it is quite dishonest to stand up, pound on the table over and over and insist that only you know Gods name when in fact you don't. I agree that if Jesus wanted some particular name "known" wouldn't he have said it hundreds if not thousands of times?

  • PSacramento

    Even IF it is right, Jesus said that they ( the apostles and followers) would be HIS witnesses, so unless that JW's are claiming that Jehovah is Jesus then they are going against the wishes of Our Lord and Saviour.

  • Wrong Way
    Wrong Way

    Christians should witness for Christ, not for Jehovah. Jews witnessed for Jehovah.

    Am I right?

  • PSacramento
    Christians should witness for Christ, not for Jehovah. Jews witnessed for Jehovah.
    Am I right?

    Without going into too much detail, yes.

    The witnesseing for YHWH was an Old Covenant view, with Jesus as the Christ and the institution of the NEW Covenant, all those that follow it are to be witnesses to Jesus, the Son of God, the ONLY Annointed of God, Our Lord and Saviour and in WHO'S NAME we are saved.

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