My kid gets it

by mamalove 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mamalove

    So last night my 6 year old tells me that her dad said to her while tucking her in at night "Mama is going to die because she caused the divorce, and grandpa wanted mommy to divorce me all the days of his life."

    (My dad left the lie when I was 5, and I left a year ago... and subsequently am almost through with the divorce and the ex is a bitter, ignorant, crazy tempered JW). So its all our fault, and I am going to die, makes sense.

    Last night I called up the ex and told him that he was nothing short of a mental pedophile, that you don't tell your daughter her mother is as good as dead, and he needs to knock it off and he is in violation of our anti-disparagement agreement that the courts have insisted on due to the religious and personal strife between us. He hung up on me when he realized he dug himself in a hole lol.

    This morning I asked her if she was making it up, and she insisted she was not, and to ask daddy. So I told her I did, and he said he didnt say it, and why would mommy die? She said "at armageddon." So I reminded her that the lie has been spread for years that armageddon was coming and we are all still alive. She said "They just tell us that so we are scared." SHE GETS IT.

    This is what keeps me up at night, the mental garbage my kids are fed at the hands of "loving christian family."

  • brotherdan

    Doesn't that break your heart?!? It sickens me...

  • ziddina

    I'm glad your daughter "gets it"... I sincerely hope that she continues to "get" it...

    Hopefully you can encourage her to find decent 'worldly' friends, read LOTS of 'worldly' science, history, and religious books (ones with a neutral or positive slant towards religious open-mindedness), and enjoy the holidays when she's with you...

    Best hopes and wishes!!


  • straightshooter

    Glad that she understands. It is so hard when young ones receive this garbage from the "active" jws.

  • carla

    This just makes me sick, how heartbreaking. Stories like this are what non jw's need to hear to realize what jw's are really all about.

    Start educating your children now about cults (jw's in particular) and teach them critical thinking skills. They are not too young, there are age appropriate ways to do this.

    If there is any way to limit his time or jw activities with the kids you should take advantage of it now. If you let it go on without a fight the courts will not have sympathy later in the years to come. The courts will assume you are miffed at him for some other reason and only using the 'religion' as a smoke screen.

    wishing you & kids peace,


  • nelly136

    you might want to keep a diary of these occassions (if youre not already)

  • thenoblelodge

    Well done on telling your daughter it's a lie that you are going to die. It is a lie and a big fat evil one at that.

    My grandaughter suffered terribly when we all left the Borg. She was convinced we were going to die because we had left Jehovah, but then she too 'got it'. Once it sinks in they start getting on with their little lives. She's already planning Christmas lol.

    Is there any way you can go to court and get an order out against him that will prevent any further occurances of this abuse. Judges don't take kindly to children being scared to death. He has rights as a father and should have access, but your child has rights too. She needs to feel safe and secure, which she isn't getting with her father's scare tactics.

    one each.

  • mamalove

    I have an obligation to tell our mediator, which I did in an emial last night. I cannot limit his time with them. Already tried that. He is a "fit" father in the eyes of the courts, no drugs, porn or abuse according to them. I am quite confident that as the kids get older, they will smell the stink and go far away from it.

  • elder-schmelder

    That is Child Abuse !!!

    I grew up the same way thinking that my mom would be killed because she never went out in service with us.


  • Hadit

    That is just disgusting. How do you say something like that to your child? Then you profess to belong to the one and only religion that is approved by God? Sick and twisted. I'm so sorry you have to put up with this. It really is a good idea to document everything that your kids say about what is being said to them as well as their reactions and how your husband responds and treats you. Very astute of your daughter to see through the fear tactic. Keep teaching them critical thinking skills. I'm sure there are age appropriate stories you can read together and discuss that help children really think. I also believe that your unconditional love for them will shine through. I know this might be hard to do but NEVER bad mouth their father to them or say derogatory things. They will soon see for themselves what is going on.

    I wish you all the best and sending you hugs!

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