Netherlands Memorial Attendance 2009/2010

by Designer Stubble 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Good news!

    The Dutch Kingdom Ministry shows the following statement:

    This year (2010) 43.372 persons attended the memorial, 100 persons took of the symbols.

    The 2009 attendance figure was 51.578.

    This means that 8.206 went missing in one single year, a plunge of 16%.

    I get the impression that the partakes figure is going up as they now avoid the term "annointed".

    The borg is loosing its grip!

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    With loss of control of information via the internet will come loss of control of people. This will prove true for China, Iran, and JWs.

  • Designer Stubble
    Designer Stubble

    Internet penetration in the Netherlands floats between #1 and #3 in the world - so this certainly must be a root cause.

  • Voices


    the number of people attending may be going down, but i thought the number of people partaking was going up?

  • Hadit

    Ah tricky, tricky! Their use of wording: Took of the symbols vs. anointed! In other words the number partaking indicates that there are MORE and MORE people who believe they are anointed when there should be less. Thus some of those who partake are not really anointed they are just delusional. Thanks for the info!

  • wannabefree

    Ever since I have been a Witness the term partakers was used. I don't think there is anything new there. I was always told the term "those who profess to be of the anointed" was a more accurate term to refer to partakers.

  • Lady Viola
  • Lady Viola
  • wannabefree

    ... I think the only ones that "The Society" 100% guarantees to be "anointed" are also known as "The Governing Body"

  • wasblind

    The Governing Body,

    the ones anointed with holy spirit, that are not inspired

    what a joke

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