Tougher Stance on the Disfellowshipped?

by Rydor 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • agonus

    Well, it IS to protect the flock... from thinking.

  • Terry

    Jesus told about the Good Shepherd who will LEAVE the 99 sheep who remain in the fold. The shepherd actively seeks out the lost sheep.

    Think about that.

    The Good Shepherd seeks out the sheep who strays and picks them up and carries them back to the fold.

    That is a pro-active stance on prioritizing stewardship, oversight and governance.

    Jesus didn't give any illustration I can recall about drop-kicking a sheep off into the outer darkness so that it can be devoured by wolves!

    Can somebody remind me? I'm SURE there MUST BE a scripture like

    "If thy sheep offend thee--kick the shit out of it. Ignore its plaintive bleating as the predator doth muncheth its entrails."

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