Discovery Channel shooter link to JW's?

by tenyearsafter 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    Extreme religions attract extreme people.

  • gubberningbody

    To offer up the fact that he was "not an active JW" as exculpatory evidence in defense of JW's is as illegitimate as offering up the fact some ex-servicement who flip out later and kill people are "not active servicemen" in an attempt to dismiss PTSD brought on by the experiences these experienced while in the military.

    It just doesn't wash.

  • peacedog
    I think that some ex-JW websites are taking this and running with it without any verification, which just looks bad for the ex-JWs in my view.

    The only reference I saw to his being a jw was a direct quote attributed to his brother.

    his personal website contains many lines about how religion is the root of all evil, evolution must be taught, mankind should be permanently wiped out, etc.

    Two out of three are also taught by the WT$...

  • Palimpsest

    To offer up the fact that he was "not an active JW" as exculpatory evidence in defense of JW's is as illegitimate as offering up the fact some ex-servicement who flip out later and kill people are "not active servicemen" in an attempt to dismiss PTSD brought on by the experiences these experienced while in the military.

    There is a marked difference between saying that someone should not be referred to as a Jehovah's Witness and saying that someone could not have been impacted by their experience as one. I don't see anyone doing the latter. I'm not seeing how asking for accurate research is an attempt to write off any emotional issues he might have had. The point is that if one news outlet (a CBS affiliate) has already retracted their reporting that he was once a JW, there is valid reason to show some restraint before we decide that he definitely was one and had emotional issues as a result of it.

    Again, I'm not doubting on a personal level that he had some tie and was affected by it. I just think it's irresponsible for some ex-JW news sites to be building an entire story out of one line in a news article printed by two minor outlets, one of which has already taken their reporting back.

    Two out of three are also taught by the WT$...

    I know I've been out 5 years, but I'm pretty sure they don't teach that no one should ever follow a religion, including their own, and that there should never be humans living on earth, now or in the future.

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