Ok, so in the spirit of the April broadcast, what do you want to ask god to fix for you?

by stuckinarut2 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JeffT
    Maybe God could get the Watchtower to stop writing nonsense.
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Win the lottery Lord, so can you fix it so I can win. I would really, really

    appreciate it. And Lord put me at the front of the line because I know

    other folks are asking for the same. PS, can you get back to me ASAP

    there's a house I would love to buy. And Lord I will give 75% back to you,

    well maybe 50%, ok 20%, oh hell what do you need with money.

  • Oubliette

    I want God to get his fucking house in order.

    What a wanker Jehovah is. He wants from us what he himself will not do.

    - - - - - - -

    OK, seriously. I don't believe in Jehovah. He clearly does NOT exist. If he did, he certainly wouldn't have these 7 clowns representing him.

    If there is a God, can you please clean up this shit?

    Seriously. Lots of us are losing faith in you because of these assholes claiming to represent you.

    Countless millions of lives have been ruined because of these evil men and their predecessors.

    They make you look like a complete fucking idiot. You do know this, don't you?


  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower
    I want to ask him to find my keys, I hear he is really good with that and helping a person get to work on time, and speeding up the processing of income tax returns, but it seems prayers for food for starving children and curing people dying of horrible diseases he's has a very slow response time(2000 years and counting).
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Oubliette: Wow, A large angel will appear by your bedside tonight.

    God have heard your prayer my man, you called him a idiot and a

    wanker, ok that was bad. But seriously I'm Satan and I love you man.

    Leave the GB alone, they are doing more damage in the name of God

    then I have ever done.

  • smiddy

    You silly ,silly ,silly people , don`t you know GOD is nothing but a brick wall ? Please observe his chosen people the Orthodox Jews .

    On the other hand if I was made in GOD`s image , how come I`m a mere mortal ? Can you fix that ?


  • stuckinarut2

    Awesome comments!

    I love our sarcastic attitudes...but it's so easy to be this way when such content is dished up by the GB, (aka gods mouthpiece)

    I want god to help me develop more courage so I can look into the face of the elders, branch committee and GB and ask "DO YOU SERIOUSLY BELIEVE THE CRAP YOU ARE TEACHING??


    I just got royally screwed by Uncle Sam. Maybe Jeehoobiedoob can teach me to make billions in untaxed dollars as a professional prognosticator!


  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me
    I would ask God to humble the Governing Body.
  • steve2

    I want god to help me develop more courage so I can look into the face of the elders, branch committee and GB and ask "DO YOU SERIOUSLY BELIEVE THE CRAP YOU ARE TEACHING??

    I want god to help GB and company develop even a little bit of courage to face the fact they teach crap. But I seriously doubt god will answer my prayer. S/he is probably too caught in prayerful enterprises like helping JWs find leaks in their buildings to hear my plea.

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