JW Malawi Girl Turns Down Scholarship To Study In China Because JWs Banned

by Justitia Themis 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EmergedAsMe

    So sad.

  • snowbird


    But, I'll bet an assembly part awaits her.



  • nelly136

    Ms Denemu, who initially accepted the scholarship, was due to begin her five-year, all-expenses-paid studies next month at Shandong University, where she would have studied Chinese for a year before enrolling in medical school at Central South University in Hunan province.

    i just hope that leaving it so late to cancel hasnt robbed another eager and willing participant of the opportunity, or put the sponsors off helping someone else.

    my thoughts on malawi were that they were expendable fodder for forwarding borg agenda.

  • sir82
    she consulted her church's national headquarters who told her she can't go.'

    That's exactly the kind of publicity the WTS hates. It makes them look like loons.

    Of course, they are loons, and quite proud of it - they just hate to be perceived as loons.

    Right about now, there's a very irate Service Dept. guy on the hotline to the Malawi branch chewing out the overseer for telling her she "can't go".

    Actually - to be more precise - he's quite happy that she "can't go" - the chew-out is because the Malawi branch didn't use enough "weasel words" to strongly imply that she shouldn't.

    They'd prefer something like "well, of course its your decision, sister; however, a strong Christian, one who loves Jehovah very much, would think twice or 3 times before accepting this scholarship."

  • wasblind

    "Haven't WT's policies caused enough grief to Malawian JW's"

    These people are guided by Satan himself, Only Satan can cause this much harm and oppression.

    This child had a chance to not only get the satisfaction of helping others but also the ability to make a

    better life for her self and feel a sense of self worth, Even if china does ban JW's she still could have done personal study.

    If the WTS have the need for college educated lawyers, she should not be made to feel guilty to persue and education.

    If these people choose to be directed by the society i have no pity

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I feel bad for this girl. She has no idea what she's doing. Chances are she's heard all about how strong the malawian witnesses have been over the decades and she doesn't want to disappoint. She has no idea of the double standards they have endured at the hands of WT. If she ever wakes up (hopefully she does sooner rather than later), she is going to be very disappointed.

    So many wasted opportunities.

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