Michigan JWs Spinning LONGO Story To Lies

by MadApostate 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • MadApostate

    It appears that the WTS will "spin" the facts behind the LONGO story, so that the "reality" of his past, and the "negative reality" of "disfellowshipping and shunning" never be communicated to the general public.

    Bearing in mind that he was reared as the son of an Elder, and may have once even been a MS himself, pay close attention to the wording used to describe Longo's association with JWs:

    Initially Christian attended the Kingdom Hall with MaryJane and the kids.

    Also note the quote regarding possible "pastoral visits" and "meeting attendance". Someone who knows nothing of the "reality" will think that Longo merely wasn't invited to social gatherings.

    This certainly seems to be a good opportunity for those who have suffered firsthand the evils of shunning to send their own personal stories of shunning to some of these reporters.


    January 17, 2002

    Trail of trouble followed Christian Longo from Michigan

    Before Christian Longo became an international fugitive, before the quiet coastal towns of Waldport and Newport became murder scenes, the Longo family lived in Ypsilanti, Michigan, a quiet suburb of Detroit.

    Todd Blackburn, one of the Longo's neighbors remembers Christian Longo and his shiny new possessions.

    "He had a boat, a new truck," said Blackburn. "I never asked him what he did. I just thought he was doing well for himself you know."

    Blackburn said he never heard any fighting at the home. It was only later that he learned of Christian Longo's financial troubles: credit card debt, unpaid mortgage payments, a failed construction business and finally a conviction for making counterfeit checks on his laptop computer.

    "The guy was obviously pretty good at keeping that completely separate from his normal outward appearances and things," said Blackburn.

    When Christian and MaryJane met, they were both Jehovah's Witnesses. Kingdom Hall elders say MaryJane was especially active in her faith; she walked door to door sharing her religion with strangers.

    Initially Christian attended the Kingdom Hall with MaryJane and the kids. Once the elders found out about his illegal activities, they asked him to repent. When he didn't, they expelled him.

    "It doesn't mean they can't receive pastoral visits and it doesn't mean they can't attend but we just no longer associate with them," Kingdom Hall elder Tim Steimlosk told KATU News.

    According to MaryJane Longo's sister, Jenny Kagley, this is when the most severe isolation between MaryJane and her family began.

    "They sold the house, said Kagley, "and things just got worse and worse."

    Kagley also told KATU News that Christian once told MaryJane that if she and the children can't live with him, they they're not going to live at all.

    Christian Longo is named in six lawsuits seeking more than $30,000. He is wanted on two warrants in Michigan for probation violation and a larceny charge.

    . http://www.katu.com/news/story.asp?ID=39094

  • LB

    Interesting background. You just have to wonder how much his JW past figured into things.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Pureheart

    Just tell it like it is!

    Even disfellowshipped ones may be in need of comfort if they have repented and corrected their wrong course. Thus, “the faithful and discreet slave” has instituted a merciful provision to assist them. Once a year two elders may visit certain disfellowshipped ones. These may no longer show a rebellious attitude or be engaged in gross sin and may need help to take the necessary steps to get reinstated.
    Shunning would be appropriate for anyone who rejects the congregation:
    never receive him into your homes or say a greeting to him.
    Must continue avoiding persons that are disfellowshipped or disassociated.
    If the disfellowshipped or disassociated one is a relative living outside the immediate family circle and home, it might be possible to have almost no contact at all with the relative. Even if there were some family matters requiring contact, this certainly would be kept to a minimum.


  • MadApostate

    I have been amazed at how little discussion there has been about this whole Christian Longo saga.

    I've been wondering for some time now whether the reason for such was that Longo was a poster here known by the "regulars"???

  • ashitaka

    MA-you're shitting me. Really? I'm curious who it was....could you send an email? Curiosity killed the......

    Anyway, there's been so much drama here lately that I think that this is a non-issue. I'm still trying to convince my parents not to be JW's to worry about some guy who lost it and killed his fam.

    Also, perhaps people who are ex-JW's don't want to be identified with murderers. Maybe Longo looks as bad on us as molesters do on witties.

    Of course, the JW's whole argument is hogwash. That's like saying,

    'we tried to help by ignoring him, even telling him to go fly a kite, but he just didn't respond favorably to it. You know, it's because he was an ex-witness that he killed his kids, not because WE did anything. Quite to the contrary'(Elders fold their hands reverently)


  • RipVanWinkle

    After reading the various news accounts, I wonder if Chris Longo didn't have a chemical imbalance. In particular the one that causes Bi-polar disorder. This disorder manifests itself with making poor judgments, wild spending sprees, grandiose opinions of who they are and what they can do, etc. etc. There is a list in the DSM manual.

    Unfortunately, since most are unaware of the symptoms and just feel a person should 'shape up' the problem goes untreated while proper 'meds' and counseling can help a person live a productive life.

    IF ( big IF) he was in fact suffering from such a disorder the last thing he would need is to be cut off from any support system that would be available to him. He probably was not aware of mental health support groups that can help such ones by discussing their problems and what they do to cope. Most people with a chemical imbalance are unaware they have a problem. They need a good shrink to diagnose and treat and then a support system is a must.

    The human psyche' is extremely delicate and is kind of like a 'humpty dumpty' that when broken cannot be put back together again.

    In theory the WT says that elders will call on disfellowshipped ones but in reality most do not bother. It is a rarity to see shepherding visits on those disfellowshipped. I have observed that the policy ' out of sight - out of mind', is in force. Unless a person begs and begs and begs, there is little interest in those who have been booted out.

    Living in a world that has undue stress on everyone, trying to understand the mental, emotional, physical condition is impossible. it is in the best interest to cut others some slack. We have no concept what pressures they face and what is their capacity of coping with these stresses and what is the breaking point.


  • MadApostate

    This LONGO saga has been carried on the networks as well as CNN, plus dozens of newspapers have published a series of articles.

    Yet, here, practically no discussion at all.

    The fact that he was dfed does not negate a lifetime of indoctrination, nor does it allow the WTS to deny responsibility IMO.

  • RipVanWinkle


    The fact that Mary Jane's sister admitted that when Chris was disfellowshipped it even isolated her from her family. So the whole family suffered because of it.

    I have been told that in the latest Elders school they further encouraged families to stay away from disfellowshipped relatives to please Jehovah.

    While we do not know all the facts, we do know that a family has suffered horribly and Chris Longo must be going through trauma every second. I am hoping that the trial will give insight into his feelings.


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