Jan Haugland is APOSTATE

by Cygnus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step


    Can you not appreciate the damage that you have done to these people by 'outing' them like this? I especially note that you cunningly did this on a Saturday which is traditionally the day that Norwegians meet to discuss the last time that somebody spotted an unbearded women, so they are not here to defend themselves. A cowardly act. Privacy is not just expected it should be assured, ya little squonka.

    Next you will be telling us that Jan is an atheist, Kent has a website and that Norm also a Norwegian....OOoops!


  • Francois

    I like a man who can get a firm grasp on the obvious. It shows..., it shows,...well, help me out here, what does it show? I know it must be something it shows.

  • freeborg

    Dont get it enlighten me!


  • ISP

    Any proof of that, Cygnus?


  • Celtic

    More wanton crappy statements Cygnus, my your getting good this week, just the other night in the chatroom, you were calling one of the ladies here a 'filthy apostate', what exactly are you here trying to prove with such absurd and ridiculous statements?

    A fence sitter you are, neither ex jw or totally jw. Lukewarm, given no respect from either side, a coward that has to resort to name calling?

    Boy you got some long way to go in understanding the workings of this world and human inter-relationships let me tell you that for nothing.

    Your naievity is truly staggering.

    Hahahahhahhahahaahah individuals like you could almost be funny, whats funnier still, is that you hardly need to try to get the effect. Oh my.

    Don't tell me you need the rod of discipline?

    Peace & whotnot


  • noidea

    Yeah, well OK..But, Jan does give out the spankings in chat so he can't be all bad.

  • rhett

    So, what exactly is your point in telling us this? You think we'll not talk to them because of this? In case you haven't noticed, quite a few people here (self included) are apostates. Kind of makes me wonder why you're posting here if you're not yourself.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • teenyuck

    So What?! It is a designation that is meaningless to someone who does not believe in God or the bible.

    This thread is like someone standing on the play ground and shouting names. What is your point?

    Many of us have been called apostate. What of it? Should I roll over and die?

  • ISP

    I wouldn't get heated up about this...Cygnus is having some fun.


  • teejay

    Apostates, huh? Who told YOU, Cyg? Surely you didn't figure that out all by yourself.

    Well, on this heels of this late-breaking revelation and as much as I hate to admit it, some might say that teejay has something in common with those dumbass, low-life, no morals havin', foul mouthed, low-life, dumbass fine gentlemen, after all. Damn.

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