zombies at the door

by WuzLovesDubs 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I left to go out for my morning walk this morning and saw two men in ties with briefcases walking with an umbrella. (It IS south florida after all) And of course I knew who they were immediately. I passed three more "groups" on the way out of the complex walking their baby carriages wearing their long dresses and practical shoes with their hair up in buns going maybe 1mph....and I couldnt leave fast enough. I was hoping they would be gone by the time I got back.

    They werent.

    They were entering the sidewalk in the next building over and I hastily walked right past them trying not to make eye contact, grabbed the key out of my pocket and locked myself inside my townhouse as fast as I could....and before I could SIT they were ringing the doorbell! How did they get there so fast??? Not once...not twice but THREE times! And it reminded me of those movies with zombies where they just keep coming and coming and coming and theyre on your street, then your sidewalk, then they are at your dooooor and theres NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP THEM!!!!!


  • snowbird


    You are a mess, lady!


  • Heaven

    You need to move to my neighbourhood. I've only seen them once and I work from home regularly.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    indeed Syl LOL

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Heaven well Im MARRIED to one still and so there is nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo escaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape (echo echo echo)

  • tenyearsafter

    Interesting...I have not had a visit at the door since 1995! Our territory must be part of where the need is greater (within the greater Los Angeles area...LOL)

  • moshe

    WLD, if talking to JWs upset me that much, then I would post a sign on my door to keep them away- This one will work very nicely- I designed it- use it and enjoy your peace and quiet.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    tenyears not since 1995? ah....the extermination from West Coast to East Coast is WORKING!

  • Heaven

    Heaven well Im MARRIED to one still and so there is nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooo escaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape (echo echo echo)

    I have an empty spare room. My neighbours are super nice too. They're definitely NOT JWs.

    LOL @ Moshe! Love it.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Moshe can you design one with a people in suits and skirts being fed into to a pit bull and call it "Official JW Recycling Center" ?

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