Crazy stuff in the neighborhood

by sooner7nc 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • crapola

    I'm so glad that creep got what he deserved but I feel so bad for the little boy. What he must have gone through. That makes me so angry at God sometimes to know he could stop things like this from happening and won't .

  • sooner7nc

    "Is it just an American thing to boast about what firearms one owns? I don't get it."

    Boasting? A 4 year old child was raped and murdered and your comment is about your claim that I boasted about what firearms I own? This rapist/murderer lived, and escaped from the police, 3 blocks from my house and was on the lam for almost 48 hours. Do you think I should protect myself and my family with happy thoughts?

    There's another thing we say in America and I hope that you do understand this. Go F*** yourself. If your too thickheaded to figure out the other 3 letters then just ask any poster, they can tell you. Oh yeah, welcome to the board.

  • MrMonroe

    It was just an observation, sooner. I'd be crapping myself as well in your situation, but I couldn't help but notice how you referred to your armoury in such admiring terms. I might have a baseball bat or a knife to protect myself in the same situation, but I don't think I'd be purring over the brand names of them.

    From a country far from the USA, it seems a rather unfortunate obsession Americans have -- not only with their guns, but their "right" to have guns. Every few weeks there's another news story of people going crazy with guns and taking the lives of innocent people. That's an American thing too. And maybe it's an American thing to respond to a simple observation with a "Go f*** yourself" and an additional insult about me being thick headed. Nice.

  • sooner7nc

    Actually fella, I do have a baseball bat. It's an Adirondack "Big Stick", and yes I'm proud of it.

    I couldn't help but notice how you referred to your armoury in such admiring terms.

    Admiring? I don't admire my weapons. They are simply tools that I'm happy to possess and can protect myself and my family with.

    From a country far from the USA, it seems a rather unfortunate obsession Americans have -- not only with their guns, but their "right" to have guns. Every few weeks there's another news story of people going crazy with guns and taking the lives of innocent people. That's an American thing too. Canada,8599,1885130,00.html Europe

    And maybe it's an American thing to respond to a simple observation with a "Go f*** yourself" and an additional insult about me being thick headed. Nice.

    It's an American thing to respond this way to people who don't live here who are patronizing us about our way of life.

    Again, welcome to the board.

  • MrMonroe

    It's obviously important for your self-esteem that you are able to insult other people, so I won't deprive you of that satisfaction. Insult me again if you like if it makes you feel better about yourself.

    As to your repeated "welcome to the board" statement, it sounds like you're trying to intimidate a newcomer by saying I'm worthless and you can tell me to go f*** myself if you want and that's the accepted conduct here. I think most members here would be unimpressed by your bullying and belligerent chest-beating behaviour.

    You say it's "an American thing" to respond with obscenity and aggression. I suspect it's just you. But really I'm not interested.

  • crapola

    Then stop posting about it,Mr.M.

  • sooner7nc

    It's obviously important for your self-esteem that you are able to insult other people, so I won't deprive you of that satisfaction.

    Are you serious? My self esteem? That's hilarious.

    Insult me again if you like if it makes you feel better about yourself

    No I won't insult you...I'll laugh raucously at your posts, but I will not insult you. How very dare you!

    As to your repeated "welcome to the board" statement, it sounds like you're trying to intimidate a newcomer by saying I'm worthless and you can tell me to go f*** myself if you want and that's the accepted conduct here. I think most members here would be unimpressed by your bullying and belligerent chest-beating behaviour.

    For the 3rd time, welcome to the board, but please remember the following. Almost all of us on here have one horrible thing in common, a devastating brush with a high control cult. Life's hard enough I guess without picking each other apart, so I'm going to bury the proverbial hatchet.


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