The WT and Native Americans

by Valis 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • soto

    One thing which is very serious is the contradiction firstly of 'stewarding the earth' which is both an indigenous lifestyle and a biblical demand. However, JWs are pretty strict, subjectively so, about not getting involved with politics. Does this mean that we cannot steward the earth aka with Green Peace or any other environmental movement -even our own because it involves 'getting involved with politics'. If we are to steward which is everything indigenous/spiritual not airy fairy notions about spirituality but from life and experience, the politics comes to us anyhow. So what is the witnesses take on first nations, aboriginal rights, native american grass roots battles like the XLPipelines running from Alberta through Lakota and more terrirories to sell elsewhere?

    When I was told about the witnesses printing bibles in all the indigenous languages my heart sank as i thought its colonisation all over again. The land is everything sacred. It is the life of us all, as is the xea and more. It is not the white fellas abstraction of spirit. Spirit is real and is the essence of what we really are. This cannot be given up and replaced by a notion of spirituality as a discipline only giving what you are told too and not giving anything spontaneously from the heart etc. Also, anotjer extremely important factor is that if heriditary chiefs become jws then their land could easily be given up as a 'political issue' that is not biblical and should not be involved in. This is very serious. The chiefs should be warned. The peoples land could be lost or rather sold in the belief that jehovah will see to it at armagedon. It will be devastating.

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