the latest WT PR

by Dogpatch 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    The latest media hype on the WT site is amazing:

    For Immediate Release
    January 1, 2002

    The Watchtower and Awake!
    look back and ahead in first issues of 2002

    Jehovah's Witnesses saw their membership grow further in 2001, according to their annual report published in the January 1, 2002, issue of The Watchtower.* More than 15 million attended the 2001 annual commemoration of the death of Christ, the religion's most sacred observance. An average of over 5,000 persons a week were baptized as new members of the faith.


    Kind of gives the viewer a "new twist" on bad figures!
    Compare with the real stats at:

    Net Soup!

    Watchtower Store

  • RunningMan

    5,000 baptisms a week sure sounds like a lot, until you realize that it is half of what it used to be.

    I like the comment "the religion's most sacred observance". What other observances have they got?

  • Fredhall

    Hey Randy Watters,

    Do you need some more money?

  • Dogpatch

    Yes, Fred, my main man, send me lots of money!
    How come you main man, Firpo Carr, has lost his website?
    He doesn't want to be interviewed, either.

  • Stephanus

    You do realise that memorial attendance minus current Dubs equals ex-Dubs who for whatever reason just haven't pulled the plug yet?

  • Fredhall

    Randy Watters,

    StirInc still on line.

    I don't see Firpo Carr begging others for money

    Maybe he is to busy to be interviewed.

    Are you waitng for his new book?

  • Dogpatch

    What are you referring to Fred cat?
    Share the URL with us where I am begging for money.
    I only know of my normal donations page, since it is a non-profit organization.

    In fact, others may not have seen this, Fred! :-))

    Since you are giving me free advertising, here is a little more about the finances of Free Minds, Inc.:

    Why Free Minds, Inc. Sells Things for Money

    by Randy Watters

    People browsing the Net may wonder why we sell books when the Watchtower gives them away for free. One might be able to go into a Kingdom Hall as a newly-interested person and get all sorts of items at no charge. Yet Free Minds, Inc. may sell some of those items at bookstore prices or higher. Why is that?

    We have to buy them

    The Watchtower doesn't give you something for nothing. Who do you think foots the bill? Click here to get a glimpse at the way they lied to people about their income pre-1990. Click here to understand how they cloak themselves and refuse to pay sales tax in modern times. The Witnesses are expected to pay from 1-2 times the retail worldly value of that book or item you got for "free." They won't tell that to outsiders. In fact, the brothers working at the literature counter usually won't tell the rest of the Witnesses about how they have a money quota for specific volumes of "free literature."

    We don't have salesmen

    A good percentage of their income is derived from "placing" books, since whether the person at the door or on the job actually donates anything or not, the Witness is encouraged to donate BEFORE and AFTER the picking up of the item from the Kingdom Hall's literature counter. A collection box is conspicuously placed next to the counter, and Witnesses often must be "reminded" to give at least the worldly equivalent sale value. If they don't return an expected amount of money for the literature they order, each Kingdom Hall will be refused further shipments of literature until the "amount expected" is handed over. HARDLY a true donation arrangement, is illegal in principle according to local sales tax laws, and worthy of the term FRAUD. See this file for explanation. So, in effect, the Witnesses are theoretically getting MORE than retail value for their books, but the unsuspecting neophyte only sees the appearance of generosity and selflessness. On the part of the average JW that may very well be true, but not in the case of the motives of the organization. They will not and have never disclosed their financial records to anyone save their own lawyers. Put them to the test, write or call them at:

    24 Columbia Heights
    Brooklyn NY 11201
    (718) 625-3600

    We don't own farms and large real estate holdings, we don't rent to outsiders

    The Watchtower organization owns several large farms, which primarily supply food for their operations in their local Bethel headquarters, enabling them to cut the cost of expenses. In addition to this, they own all the land that every Kingdom Hall, every Assembly Hall and Bethel Home is built on. Yet the local Witnesses are expected to pay for the Kingdom Hall property and building through a loan system that pays near-market interest. The locals are helping to enlarge the vast landholdings of the Watchtower Society, and they are punished for not paying the mortgage if they fall into arrears.

    In addition to the buildings Witnesses use for Bethel residence and meetings, the Watchtower also holds a large amount of property that is simply for the sake of holding assets, and has now begun the process of actually RENTING some of their property to outside local businesses, as is the case with a large shopping mall in Florida at this time. No doubt there are other examples not yet discovered. Yet they point to such schemes on the part of other religions as being corrupt and devoid of ethics.

    We don't benefit from estates, inheritances and business dealings on the side

    The Watchtower regularly encourages their members to donate their estates when they die, as well as property and stocks and other commodities when they are still alive. No doubt with over 5 million members, they acquire a large amount of assets from this source. All donations are tax-exempt, since they are a non-profit organization. Oddly enough (and unlike with non-church non-profit organizations like Free Minds, Inc.) they are NOT REQUIRED to open their financial books by U.S. law. They are a church, or religion. (No wonder why cults get away with so much corruption for so long.) We are, and have reproduced our for you to see. Why won't the Watchtower? They consistently refuse to give any details of their monies.

    We don't cheat the government

    A representative of Free Minds, Inc. will not come to your door and offer you something for free, giving the impression that is really is free when in fact it is being paid for (theoretically) sometimes twice over by the Witness who gives it to you. We will charge you sales tax if you live in California, the Watchtower will not. Why? When the headquarters punishes the local Kingdom Hall by refusing shipments of literature if the appropriate "value" in cash is not sent in to the Society, this can HARDLY be a statement of generosity and a free spirit! Yet few Witnesses know about the details of such transactions. I suggest asking the person at the literature counter in the Kingdom Hall some critical questions regarding whether the literature is really "free."

    We don't hide our finances

    Sometimes the persons that appear to be making the money are in fact only the ones working the hardest, and may have little recompense in return. Sometimes they believe in their community service of warning people so much that they are willing to face the embarrassment of having to send a call out for donations. Help! is not a dirty word. Ask the soup kitchens and local charities. It is the people who never give who seem to complain the most.

    As far as Watchtower-printed books and antiquarian (antique) Watchtower publications, we follow the typical business practice of buying at 50-60% of the retail value, sometimes less if we purchase a large library with the intent of selling it for funds. We also offer these items at a much lower price than our competition, usually 60% of the advertised price of items offered by Witness, Inc. so that they are reasonably affordable. Witnesses have been known to burn their own older publications so as to keep them from getting into the hands of their "opponents," so it is no mystery that they go out of their way to keep us from getting anything they offer for "free" to you. Why? Because we will use it to expose them for the crooks they are.

    In the case of modern books, we either buy them through book wholesalers like everyone else, or we may print some books so as to cut the printing cost on small runs like we typically have.

    If you are so certain the Witnesses must be right, and are unwilling to ask some critical questions, you will pay the price in being angry at yourself or others later, when after 5-10 years of working for the "mother" organization, you discover her true nature. Don't be stupid like I was. Put your emotions (cognitive dissonance) aside and be real for a moment, or wait until you are level-headed and more objective, and do some research into this matter. It won't cost you anything on the Internet.

    We do give away many things for free

    I have written articles and book, made tapes and videos regarding the Watchtower for over 16 years of my life. When our website went up, I immediately put MOST of all that I had written up for free. I send two free samples of the Free Minds Journal to those who simply ask, no strings attached. I send out free tracts, spend long hours on the phone with people whose families are falling apart, and I often give away some things to needy Witnesses looking for help.

    I cry with them for free, and I teach them to laugh for free. I share my faith about Christ with them for free, as I have had opportunity to do in every exit-counseling I have done. All but one took the gospel for free as well, and became a Christian. THAT is certainly free.

  • Prisca

    Amen Randy.

  • moman

    Randy, screw Fredhall, I wish you would quite being so NICE & pay yourself a BIG salary!
    YOUR A GOOD MAN..Randy!

  • moman

    I wonder how much the apostles charged for literature?
    Iz Jehovah God getting senile? Why do the Dubs have to keep track of their hours today & the apostles didn't?

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