Why do many of us spend so many years defending a God we MAY never meet?

by Crisis of Conscience 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    As a JW still in, I have been thinking about this. (And I ask the question in the spirit of "Millions Now Living Will/May Never Die!") LOL

    As a JW who is part of the "great crowd" I will, as has been taught, never see God face-to-face, never meet Him.

    So I "take in knowledge" about him, defend all these things that I just can't understand or explain why he would do them, and then still not physically see or get to know him?

    When is the last time you spoke to someone REGULARLY on the phone, internet, etc. and not wondered what this person looks like or desired to meet them in person?

    I do believe there has to be some sort of creator. It's kind of odd that things would've happened by chance, but that is another topic.

    But this whole thing of putting faith in someone I have never seen, met, will see, or meet is really starting to falter in my mind.

    Talk amongst yourselves. - Quote from Mike Myers of SNL


  • WTWizard

    Start, and keep, asking questions. If they say "You have to believe in it for it to work", chances are good that it is a scam. Religion is famous for this kind of scams. You have to believe in Jesus as the ransomer in order to get to heaven--goes one such scam. Another indicates that you need to religiously perform certain acts while refraining from doing others, and perform penance when you mess up, in order to get to heaven.

    One question: If God was so loving, why does He allow so many of these scams and variants of them to continue? Why does He require you to guess not only whether Christianity or Islam is right, but which version of it? And, if you get it wrong, you are assured of hell or Gehenna. Same if you are wary of being scammed into believing the wrong thing, but it "happens" to be the truth.

  • Crisis of Conscience
  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Fantastic question, Crisis of Conscience!

    Since I lean heavily in the Gnostic tradition, I believe I've already 'met' God - in a spiritual awakening a la Timothy Freke - will post link so you get my drift. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opr-1FHqCMs (It's 25 minutes but well worth watching IMHO)

    However, I also believe that my spirit (after death) will 'go back to' or become part of God exactly like both Jesus and Stephen, just before expiring, said: "Into your hands I entrust my spirit".

    Hope that answers your question. I no longer defend the God of the Bible, because I think the Old Testament, especially, misrepresents him. I only defend the God I've met. I believe in 'Him' despite the Bible, not because of it.

  • garyneal

    It doesn't make much sense, does it? Especially considering that one of the main tenants of Christian teachings is seeking out God and drawing closer to God and finding out how one can spend an eternity with God.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    'tenets' not 'tenants' - sorry, couldn't resist - tenants are renters - other than that, good point, Gary!

  • LongHairGal


    Thank you for asking this question because I don't ever recall hearing it asked by anybody. Yes, we have spent many years defending this God (whoever or whatever 'He' is) and it is doubtful if we will ever meet him.


    In addition to all you have said, humans have a limited lifespan.

    If they waste 25-30 years or more of their lifeforce in a 'scam' they really have little time to recover from this and get started in another belief system (assuming it is 'truth') - even if they are so inclined emotionally after the traumatic experience they have been through. I am finished with religion and would never get involved with another one.

  • garyneal
    'tenets' not 'tenants' - sorry, couldn't resist - tenants are renters - other than that, good point, Gary!

    I'm currently a tenet inside my apartment. Rent will probably go up this year too.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    I'm definitely not ready to write off the existence of God or a God. Either way, existence or non-existence of one or more, can be attempted to be proved or explained and still leave a person with questions/doubts. As creative as we humans are with our abilities, I feel (I know that is emotion talking) there must be something greater out there.

    But I'm right there with LongHairGal in saying that I would never want to get involved with another religion. I'm still a somewhat active JW but I realize that like them, no one else has all the answers. So why bother joining elsewhere? Religion IMO is a joke.


  • miseryloveselders

    I think its a combination of how we've been indoctrinated, and what I believe is the human nature to follow someone or something they percieve as being bigger than themselves. The indoctrination part goes without saying, especially for born-in members of any fundementalist religion. Constant study and preperation for several meetings, and group pressure to perform. You've been trained to perform like a domestic animal for scooby snacks.

    The other part though, about people needing to follow and pay homage to someone bigger than themselves I think is why we defend God so much. For instance, if you ever get a chance, check out some hip hop message boards. Those threads get sooooo heated due to different fans defending their favorite rappers. They even have a name for it, "Stan Wars". Stan being the name of the obsessive fan that Eminim rapped about some years back. So these stans argue back and forth over who's the greatest rapper ever, who sold the most albums, yada yada yada. Now these fans aren't getting a dime from their artist and in a couple years these same fans will have a new favorite rapper they'll feel the need to defend. Another example, look at the political threads on here. If I do a thread on why Sarah Palin would look better with a perm, her defenders will get at me. Vice versa, if I do a thread stating Keith Olbherman is really black, but has vitiligo, his supporters will jump on me. They've never met either one, but they hold strong opinions on these characters, and feel the need to defend these public figures too. Another thing, remember when Jennifer Anniston got her hairdo changed some years back? Women everywhere got similar hairdos!! Her stock went through the roof at that point, remember?

    It's the same way with God. I've never met Him, and as you stated will never meet Him because I'm only part of the Great Crowd. But He's bigger than me, and so I feel the need to be in awe of Him, despite this nagging feeling that I need more evidence of His existance. I've been trained to defend Him, and indoctrinated to believe in Him, and so I feel threatened by anyone who speaks ill of Him or has a view about Him that differs from that of my own. As LongHairGal mentioned, it often takes 30 years or so to figure out that something might be wrong, but by that time you hate to consider your time defending God as a wasted investment, so you trudge along. The indoctrination is so deep, that you feel guilty even considering that possibility.

    By the way, since we're talking about hair, I hope the WT makes the same mistake that the girl from Felicity made when she cut her hair too short, and the show tanked as a result. This generation and worship of the faithful and discreet slave might be the clippers starting to cut.

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