WTBS' letter about TMS on the web

by MacHislopp 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello everyone,

    Just found this on the web


    :-[Letterhead from the Legal Department at Patterson] December 5, 2001
    Dear Brother *******:
    Thank you for removing Watch Tower's copyrighted material from your Web site in response to our letter dated October 19, 2001. We note, however, that you now make this material available to individuals who make requests by electronic mail. Please note the following statement in our previous letter: "Copyright infringement occurs when one copies and distributes (italics added) copyrighted material without the copyright holder's permission." Thus, the sending of this material by electronic means is not permissable. Therefore, we ask that you cease this practice.
    Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Please accept an expression of our warm Christian love and greetings.

    Rather strange attitude, from those who publicly state to " …proclaim God's Word "

    I couldn't fail to notice about "…warm Christian love..",

    but of course it is o n l y for

    those who accept , without discussions or critical

    comments, the whole variety of teachings,

    doctrines and rules from the WTBS.

    Greetings, to you all,


  • picosito

    Just another WBTS bullying tactic. They are so defenselessly, shabbily pitiful in how they treat their own people and do not want ANY light to shine on ANYone who's even LOYAL to them because that light should be shining on the BORG alone as God's messenger. What colossal assholes!!!! Talk about the dog that bites the hand of those who support it. Waters of Babylon, jes' keep on goin' down!!

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Picosito,

    first of all welcome!

    Second your comments are right on target!

    Round this part of the world we say:

    "...spitting on the hand that feeds you...!"

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • logical

    call their bluff

  • Belligerent Paladin
    Belligerent Paladin

    "Please accept an expression of our warm Christian love and greetings."

    Even while a fully indoctrinated dub, I was always puzzled by the coldly loving expressions that were obviously just a polite nothing. How much more formality could you possibly heap on a phrase that is supposed to express love and greetings?

    I also loved the DC parts where a father would say to his son, "In fact, son, I COMMEND you."

    Ah, nothing so heart-warming as such a sincere commendation.

    The Belligerent Paladin
    (Who has been commended before and doesn't want it to happen again)

  • Francois

    I say they're a cult, and I say fuck 'em.


    NOTE TO GOVERNING BODY: You've been challenged to a debate, boys. Dont you have ANY balls?

  • rekless

    why would you want to f--k them, really if you did you could be the next father or mother of a new a--hole.

  • anewperson

    Although a cult their material is copyrighted and a single violation may bring you a fine of possibly $250,000; but it appears that one may nevertheless make "fair usage" for example if conducting research then presenting the gist of what the copyrighted source has to say to a community of readers at least insofar as the material is for a "compelling need to know" and does not infringe upon the rights of the copyrighting party e.g. to retain money derived from the original materials etc.

    In other words there are ways around the road block. As they always say, consult a lawyer (I'm not one) if you have questions and especially since they have given you a warning.

  • Hmmm
    "Please accept an expression of our warm Christian love and greetings."

    Even while a fully indoctrinated dub, I was always puzzled by the coldly loving expressions that were obviously just a polite nothing. How much more formality could you possibly heap on a phrase that is supposed to express love and greetings?

    I also loved the DC parts where a father would say to his son, "In fact, son, I COMMEND you."

    Ah, nothing so heart-warming as such a sincere commendation.

    The Belligerent Paladin
    (Who has been commended before and doesn't want it to happen again)


    I commend you on an insightful post.


  • Masterji

    Here is proof that the internet is being scrutinized.


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