It'll be a COLD day in hell...

by JanH 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • plmkrzy

    Jan, Your gay? BummmDonut! I think your really cute.

  • patio34

    It's interesting that you singled the US to compare Norway with, as if all the other nations have legalized homosexual marriages.

    Why didn't you just put up the news item without the editorializing and/or challenge to the US? It's not a natural segue, imho.


  • Xena

    I was thinking the same thing patio...did a quick search online to see where homosexual marriages were legal...and found some interesting stuff...

    Married same-sex couples will attain all of the rights and privileges of opposite-sex married couples except for one: they will not be allowed to adopt children from overseas because of legal complications with countries that don't allow homosexuals to marry. Initially, only a few Scandinavian and European countries will recognize same-sex marriages from the Netherlands. Andrew Fielding, spokesperson for the European Commission said that recognition of gay/lesbian marriages will be "entirely a matter for each member nation."
    The European Parliament passed a resolution during the middle of 2000-MAR which recommended that same-sex unions be granted the same legal recognition as heterosexual marriages. It called on all 15 members of the European Union "to make rapid progress in the area of mutual recognition of the various forms of living together legally, but not of a conjugal character, and of legal marriages between persons of the same sex." 1,2 The vote was 265 to 125 with 33 abstentions.
    Don't get me wrong I am not a flag waving patriot, but come on it is apparent that the US isn't the only country that doesn't allow homosexual marriages...

    Personally I believe any two people that are in a commited relationship should be able to marry if they decide they want to and it is a shame that they are not allowed to do so. But as long as religion has a stranglehold on society in will probably be a cold day in hell before this changes in most places.

    plmkrzy, Jan isn't gay, he is just European

  • fodeja
    Don't get me wrong I am not a flag waving patriot, but come on it is apparent that the US isn't the only country that doesn't allow homosexual marriages...

    I may be wrong, but I think Jan's point was that someone who is in a homosexual relationship has made it into a top government position. Without causing a lot of upset. The "marriage" is just the icing on the cake.

    While only a few EU countries have a direct equivalent of marriage for homosexual couples, such relationships are becoming more and more officially accepted for various financial/tax benefits that have traditionally only been granted to heterosexual couples (married or at least living together). Fortunately, the religious influence on politics is much weaker in most of Europe than in the USA, though it still exists.


  • Xena

    this is a link to a list of openly homosexual politicians in the I don't know their relationship status...but if they are openly gay I would assume they are living with a memeber of the same sex...or at least did at one time.

  • plmkrzy

    I know we've had at least 1 homosexual president in the US. Or maybe he was just a cross-dresser. He was the one with the really ugly wife.
    She was a great leader, just really ugly.
    p.s. i'm glad your not gay.

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