by JEMIMAH 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • logical

    Further evidence of what they really are.

    Why do they need records? Did Jesus keep written records? Di the apostles?

  • Simon

    When I last sent a letter about the Data Protection act they told me that the didn't have any records about me at all. However, they refused to put in writing anything to this effect (why would that be a problem if indeed they had nothing in writing?). They then hid behind the 'not applicatble to paper records until Oct 2001' part of the act.

    I will be writing to them when I get back

  • bluesapphire

    Sorry but my bet is that if anyone sent in their money, the WTS could simply lie and give some bogus one paragraph piece of paper and say that was it. Does anyone really trust these people?

  • alliwannadoislive

    my understanding is that only information held electronically is subject to access ... correction required ?


    Hey Guys,how much is that in Canadian dollars?...OUTLAW

  • alliwannadoislive

    hey outlaw - who cares ;)


    Data held in any form, including paper is subject to this law


  • nicolaou

    Try something like this as a guide (adapt it to suit your circumstances).
    Of course, this is only good for the UK.


    Dear Brother [name your cong's Data Controller]

    As is my right under the Data Protection Act I would like to request:

    a) Whether personal data relating to me or any member of my family is being held or processed.

    b) A description of the data held, the purpose for which it is being held or processed and the recipients or classes of recipients to whom the information may be disclosed; and

    c) A copy of the information held by the Data Controller and the source of that information.

    I would remind you that under the terms of the Data Protection Act, you have 40 days from the receipt of this letter to comply with my request.

    Please note that this is not a letter of disassociation and no attempt should be made to treat it as one.

    If you don't get any response from this on the first attempt you may like to follow up with something like this:


    Further to my letter of [insert date] requesting disclosure of information held about me under the terms of the Data Protection Act, I would like to remind you that you were legally obliged to answer my request within 40 days but have apparently decided to ignore the law on this matter.

    I feel I have given you more than sufficient time to deal with my request and am giving notice that if I do not receive a satisfactory response to my request within the next 7 days I will be raising a formal complaint with the Data Protection Registrar.

    I would remind you that this is not a letter of disassociation and no attempt should be made to treat it as one.

    Good luck!



    By the way

    I forgot to mention that before releasing any info, all congs are ordered to contact the legal desk at the branch before replying to a request.


  • messenger

    This was posted with your last post on 11-25-01, we are still waiting for a response.

    To Whom It May Concern,
    Yes troll, I will be the first to state it and then if any of you will do a little research you may learn something.
    1. Who was it that said we were getting a new KS book, claims to be reading it and yet has to produce one shred of information about what it contains?

    2. Who is fishing for posters who may know what supposed KS 01 changes are?

    3. Who gives stories about bethel moving then not moving with explanations that fish for insiders?

    4. Who started a witchhunt with all dead ends on the WCC with no collaborating evidence? Was this to draw attention away from something else?

    5. Who was it that said they had a teaching part about child molestation they were going to post?

    6. Who gives details of meetings with no recourse from WT about finding him out?

    7. Who consistently claims to have some tidbit then never has an answer back when questioned?

    8. Who has yet to make one comment about the UN scandal as far as British bethel internal matters, or anything else for that matter?

    One point could be blown off as a mistake, two could be a coincidence, three starts getting a little curious, after that it puts forth the appearance something is not right. If Jemimah is truly a bethel insider who wants to help those who are on the outside, then stand and deliver something meaningful. ANYTHING!

    All I have seen are dead ends, promised goods and lack of follow through. Jemimah if you are the real deal and your are not trolling I ask you to deliver any one of three things:

    1. Manuscript of your KS part on child molestation.

    2. Summation of text changes from KS 91 to KS 01.

    3. Hard copy of anything related to British bethel and their response to the UN issue.

    If you wish to clear yourself of my charges then stand and deliver. I will be the first to apologize for misinterpreting your actions. On the other hand don't dance around here with inside information that has no substance that could put someone in harms way by WT plumbers. You claim to have beaten an investigation yet you must have a death wish to post a written response from WT correspondence. WT can trace any letter they write to anyone. That makes you either exceptionally stupid or a troll using information to scare those who read it. The copyright information is just too transparent. What other reason would a person have to post a letter threatening the witness owner of a website for putting up WT articles? Do any of you recall the “Question from Readers” about four months back regarding copyright of WT literature? Another threat to scare people away from putting up WT information that exposes them for what they are. I am sure they would love to see the Awake and WT UN articles go away from the internet, thus making it more difficult to sort out how WT supported the UN.

    So what possible reason could Jem have for posting this letter? I could think of much less dangerous hard copy that could be produced that would be much harder to trace to one individual. Such as the three things requested above. If Jem does not answer or have anything to offer, I would suggest anyone who has contact with him to use caution as what you communicate may be used against you and this forum.

    OK Jemimah, you have my challenge to your credibility prove me wrong.

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