(tugging the thread slightly off-topic for a second; I'll put it back when I'm done...)
As Drew Sagan said, "Outside of this basic controversy, however, I feel that there is a need for more research about Jehovah’s Witnesses. Research geared towards developing a theoretical understanding of the movement (through the disciplines such as the sociology of religion, millenarianism, etc.), rather than weighing the claims of the organizations leadership would probably reveal some interesting things about the impacts new religious movements like JWs are having on society. Research about Jehovah's Witnesses is very different from research aiming to validate or discredit a religions claims. I believe that more of the former is needed, and that there is already enough of the latter to go around...."
I agree completely. I would like to add research in the fields of psychology/psychiatry to the list; the information presented in the very few studies that have been done on the mental health of Jehovah's Witnesses has shown some tantalizing indications of increased depression, schizophrenia, and suicide among them. I would especially like to see more studies done to determine whether there is a significant connection between being a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses and an increased risk of developing schizophrenia...
But to speak of Ray Franz...
Even though I discovered, very early in my existence as a JW child, that I had problems with the veracity and logic of believing that the god of the bible was the original, supreme deity over the planet...
Reading Ray Franz' book, "Crisis of Conscience", was an eye-opener, not only for the things which he revealed, but for the manner in which he revealed them. As others have stated, he was not bitter, not vindictive, not angry, not ferocious - which actually disappointed me a bit...
But his calm, slightly sad way of describing the inner workings of the WTBTS was far more effective than any virulent attacks... He had a valid basis for such attacks, but he refrained from doing so...
He was a far better person than I could have been under such circumstances...
I do miss him, even tho I never had the chance to email him, meet him, or talk to him...