Is the jw congregation 'clean' today?

by XPeterX 15 Replies latest social entertainment

  • palmtree67

    Just before my daughter quit going to the meetings, she told me all her JW friends were getting high and drunk every Saturday night.

    Then they'd all show up for the meeting on Sunday and comment away like good little JDubbies!!!

    And all their parents and other adults nodded and smiled while they commented and said, "What good kids we have here! Our kids are soooo much better than worldly kids!"

    Both my children have told me their first introduction to pot was not from kids at school. It was from kids in the congregation.

  • XPeterX

    palmtree67 wow I have heard a simillar story.

  • thetrueone

    A clean white sheet does wonders for people who are inherently evil in heart, mind and soul.

  • mentallyfree31

    palmtree67 - I have a feeling there are many others with similar stories. Wow


  • designs

    That was Nathan Knorr's big thing 'keep the congregations clean'.

    Purges, witch hunts, puritanism gone to the extreme...'advise to young people- when bathing be careful about washing It.

    He must have had a very troubled adolescence. Then to be put in charge of the entire religion...eeeesch!

  • Heaven

    With pedophiles being allowed to remain as members if they're repentent ( ), I can't see how anyone could think the JW congregations are clean.

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