disfellowshipping announcements

by asilentone 37 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    i was an elders wife and the funny thing is i never learned anything thru my EX but other people told me.... i would have to hold back from telling my EX things...

  • hoser

    I am never shocked. Everybody always knew a week ahead of time!

  • jamiebowers

    The df announcement I remember most clearly was the one where a friend of mine was df'd for not reporting her rape by a brother. He was privately reproved.

  • asilentone

    whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Thats crazy.

  • asilentone

    maybe the brothers did not think it was a rape and they might have believed that it was consensual sex.

  • StAnn

    NextDoorGirl, ask your previously Catholic mother to show you where we got the Bible.


  • jamiebowers
    The df announcement I remember most clearly was the one where a friend of mine was df'd for not reporting her rape by a brother. He was privately reproved.
    whaaaaaaaaaaaat? Thats crazy.
    maybe the brothers did not think it was a rape and they might have believed that it was consensual sex.

    No, the elders believed it was rape. They told the victim that she had to be df'd, because they couldn't protect other sisters from the rapist, since she didn't report him. The rapist got off with private reproof, because he confessed to the elders. Funny thing is that he didn't feel the need to confess until days before the victim was about to marry another brother.

    It just goes to show that master manipulators always win in the borg. No thought was given to the fact that this girl was an 18-year old virgin who had a reaction common for rape victims; she just tried to shut it out.

    It makes me sick, because their whole line of reasoning was a lie. Even after they knew that a rapist was in their midst, they didn't bother to publically reprove him. It's not surprising, though, his father was a ms on the fast track to being an elder, all the while beating the hell out of his wife. I don't think that was ever made public either.

    I know for a fact that the elders in either of the congregations I attended never made it public knowledge that my jw husband was a wife beater. He went on to marry another jw woman after I divorced his sorry ass.

  • jehovahsheep

    in 2006 when i was dfd-they made the announcement so and so is no longer one of jws.they had to have a special needs talk on what that meant.this way a da jw does not get recognized as such.

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