What Is Harder? Getting Somebody In a Cult or Out of a Cult?

by mentallyfree31 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mentallyfree31

    I just happened to think about this today. Would it be harder to start today and get somebody into the Watchtower Organization and get them baptized OR to tackle a JW and get them out of the cult? It seems that getting somebody to baptism can take up to a year. And getting somebody out can easily take a year or much longer. But you have to knock on a lot of doors to find a study and then convince them to continue studying, then give up all their rights to the BORG.... it's long and drawn out.

    What do you think? I ask this in a light-hearted humorous type of way.


  • leavingwt

    I helped four to escape, but I never dunked anyone.



    ......................... ...OUTLAW

  • jwfacts

    It is easier to get them out.

    It takes about 5,000 hours of door-knocking to get a single baptism. 5,000 hours effort in reaching JW's would get a lot more than 1 to leave. I was a regular pioneer for years and only converted 1 person (had a couple of JW kids I studied with get baptised as well but they hardly count). I have helped far more than that leave in 4 years.

  • mentallyfree31

    I baptized three in 25 years. I may try later on to get them out. One is almost inactive now I believe. The other is married to a JW now with two kids. And his wife's whole family is active, dad is an elder.


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