How do Jehovah feel about bald guys?

by asilentone 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • asilentone
  • asilentone

    Show me some flip-flop scriptures about bald guys in the bible. Anyone up for that challenge?

  • yknot

    Did you mean 'How DOES'?

    Would a better question be 'why baldness' occurs?

    What was Jehovah's intent?

    Will everyone have a full head of hair in the NewSystem?

    What is the point of baldness in evolution ?

    Not sure what you are getting at about flip-flop scriptures....

    All I can find is that Elisha was a cueball, baldness has dignity and that shaving one's head during mourning happens....

    The only funny think I have remember was Leolaia's posting (and JWfacts also referencing)

    *** g24 11/19 p. 100 A Glimpse at the World News ***

    [T]he bobbed hair craze is sure to lead to baldness, sooner or later. The reason for this is that human hair is like a tube sealed at the free end. When the hair is cut, the oils which are the life of the hair become dissipated. The reason why men grow bald so quickly is that they have their hair cut so frequently and, in addition, wear tightly fitting hats, which cut off the circulation of the scalp. The reason why women, hitherto, have had such beautiful hair is that they have not cut it; and the twisting and folding of the hair has helped to retain the natural oil. Many women have turned against the fashion of bobbing the hair, and are letting their hair grow again.

    Are you thinking about giving up your razor habit?

  • Mythbuster

    Bears, lots of bears!

  • Soldier77

    I was gonna say the bears as well! Don't insult a bald man or the bears will get you!


  • Finally-Free

    I wish I was bald. Then Jehovah would send a flock of bears over to eat everyone who pisses me off.


  • mimimimi

    More importantly, how does Jehovah feel about bald gals? Is a bald woman able to be a Christian and be pleasing to Jehovah? Would this not fall under the same type of category as women wearing pants to the KH? For a woman to be in subjection, should she not always be dressed modestly, in a skirt, and with a full head of hair? Would her going bald be a disfellowshipping offense? (Tongue in cheek)

  • peaches

    people care,,,,,jehovah doesn' or no hair....doesn't make or break a is what is in his heart,,that matters...

  • sacolton

    Jah protects thin-skinned prophets with no hair.

    So, go on up, bald head ... go on up!

  • blondie

    According to the elders here, if you are bald naturally it is more acceptable than if you shave your head. Evidently though it is alright for black brothers to shave their heads. Reminds me of the days when it was okay for black and Hispanic brothers to have mustaches, but not other brothers. A sister with cancer and no hair was told to put on a scarf, it was disgusting for people to see.

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