Circ. Ass. Last Weekend...oh boy!

by tresdecu 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elgiard

    I remember when I was little an elder condemned any kind of cartoons or anything with talking animals, because their unnatural ability to speak didn't come from Jehovah. Also the PO said that we shouldn't watch anything rated PG because that stood for "pure garbage".

  • Psychotic Parrot
    Psychotic Parrot

    Yeah, & PO stands for Permanently Owned.

  • WTWizard

    They are wasting your time (and money--remember, they have to have that $3,000 deficit at the last minute) telling you what you can and cannot watch. That is a complete waste of time. And they wonder why so many people blow the damn things off.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    What could a 30 million year old human find of interest in a 20 year old?

    What's she look like?

    Men of any age will be attracted to a young hottie. That's how we're wired.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    my last CA or DC was 2 years ago and i knew when I left that would be the last one!!! It felt so so good leaving! Part of me wouldn't mind sitting in one just to hear some BS that would make me laugh.... I find it amazing that adults would alow other people to tell them what to watch!!!

  • designs


    You noticed the perpetual $3000.00 deficit also, good, what a crazy thing. I wrote to the City Overseer about it and what a quilt tripping scam it was and really an accounting trick because everyone was generous. The deficit was self induced by forking over more money than we had to the Society.

    That Letter got fast forwarded to Bethel and another committe meeting insued with more containment done (shunning).

  • leavingwt

    Many of the younger JWs in my area are into the 'Twilight' books and movies.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Also the PO said that we shouldn't watch anything rated PG because that stood for "pure garbage".

    LMAO....that brings back memories... not good ones..... that has gone around in talks for eons. I even got myself into that trap when I used to give the "Satan" talk on sundays (i.e., "Beware of the Snares of the Devil" or some such sh*t). After the meeting, a young couple approached me and said that their bible study that was sitting with them was offended that I was so judgemental and didnt think I should joke around. The bible study never returned. At the time I felt bad and apologized. I never used that "pure garbage" tidbit again.

    Now, I know I did that bible study a huge favor. I scared them away from the cult.

    I am so glad I no longer have to deliver or listen to that drivel anyway.

    Snakes (Rich )

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