Another point missed by oblivious JWs - this week's Book Study

by sir82 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    This week's lesson for the book study covers chapter 4, paragraphs 18-24 of the "Come Be My Follower" book.

    In paragraph 24 we find this snippet:

    "...Many have stood firm in the face of ridicule, persecution, arrest, imprisonment, torture, and even death. Where do imperfect humans get such courage? It does not simply arise from within. As Jesus received help from above, so do his followers..."

    Wait a minute.

    Jehovah's Witnesses hold no monopoly on facing "ridicule, persecution, arrest, imprisonment, torture, and even death" for their beliefs. Throughout milleniums and milleniums, millions and millions and millions of non-worshippers of Jehovah have done so, with courage equal to or greater than JWs.

    "Where do imperfect humans get such courage? It does not simply arise from within."

    Hmmm, does that mean that the Jews who survived the holocaust "received help from above"? Did Catholics who were persecuted yet survived in 16th century England "receive help from above"? Do the Bahai's in Iran "receive help from above"?

    They must, because it says right there, in the "spirit-directed" publication from the Governing Body itself, that "such courage does not simply arise from within."

    But of course, that point will just go whooshing right over the heads of everyone in attendance.

    Sad. Frustrating.

  • changeling
  • Drewmeister

    Incredibly frustrating, but they will only see it as it comes from the WTBTS. The WTBTS will not let them read the bible without THEIR brainwashing imperfect man produced publications. They are saying that the bible, gods word, is not good enough on its own. That they need to add to gods word (which they has anyway with their pervirsion of the scriptures) as its not good enough.

    They are brainwashed and controled to beleive these things. Its not their fault. Would do anything for them to listen and wake up from the mind controling cult their stuck in.

  • zoiks

    An incredibly narrow and selfish worldview.

  • Terry

    Patting themselves on the back is not just a casual pastime for Jehovah's Witnesses.

    They have created a persona that is Mythical.

    Heroic, stalwart, courageous and indefatigable, the Watchtower Society has inserted itself sideways into history and prophecy time and again.

    Even though it doesn't fit.

    They have pictured themselves as the "Two Witnesses" in Revelation and their Cedar Point Ohio assembly was prophetic fulfillment in pouring out bowls of Revelation on Satan's false religious system. They were persecuted by the Nazis, so they say, even though Rutherford sent kissy-face letters to Hitler's government trying to smooth things over for the Organization on the eve of WWII.

    They are the only ones who make known Jehovah's name even though they are well aware YAHWEH is more accurate.

    Preaching Jehovah's Soverignty is their core "message" although not one person in a thousand could tell you what it is JW's believe (they can only tell you what they DON'T.)

    When I was serving time in Federal Prison during the Viet Nam war because of the "neutrality" stance we imagined ourselves walking in the footsteps of Paul or John the Baptist. What we missed was the Big Picture. We could have taken alternative service working in a civilian hospital in lieu of military service--except for the fact we were secretly advised NOT to do this. Why? It wouldn't represent the martyr aspect of the religion's brand name. They called it "refusing to compromise." Except it was legal to not serve in the military for conscientious reasons! Nobody got sent to prison for being conscientious---it was for being a stiff-necked jerk who refused to even do civilian service in place of Military duty.

    Consciousness is not a virtue in Jehovah's organization!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Reminds me of those movies set in centuries past that show religious zealots full of fear at things as simple as lighting a match. It was a movie about a time traveler who went back in time only to be called out a witch. The people were so backward that they attempted to burn him at the stake for lighting a match, which was witchcraft.


    In school, all I knew to say in response to what do I believe was, "Well...umm...we don't believe in Christmas or birthdays....umm..."

    I didn't know that others didn't believe in paradise on earth. I knew they wanted to go to heaven, but so did the 144,000.

  • PSacramento

    The JW's have never been presecuted and to compare what they "go through" with what othes have is just plain insulting.

  • undercover

    Interesting observation, Sir... You obviously pay more attention at meetings than you're supposed to.

    Thanks for that tidbit of illogic...

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    They've been persecuted, alright, but they've also had an "out" that many have not had: Just renounce their faith and they could go free (in Nazi places).

    They've chosen to be persecuted many times. Just carry a card and you won't be bothered. Simple.

    But, yeah, to compare their persecution to what many others down through the centuries have gone through (burning at the stake and such) is disrespectful.

  • Mary


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