Who really are JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES......really.....?

by Terry 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Great thread!

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    theatrical spectacle to the world only in their dreams

  • freydo

    I always found it remarkable that while out of the one side of their mouths they preach frugality and no skills

    besides window washing and cleaning offices - but out of the other side, if you have a skill - they'll sure use it.

  • LongHairGal


    You are right. If certain nervy individuals see that somebody in the hall has a skill or some secular knowledge (that it obviously took a higher education and money to obtain), they will gravitate towards this person and try to get a free service or benefit from this person's secular know-how.

    It was my observation that there are too many users in this religion.

  • ziddina

    "Jehovah's Witness=LOSER"

    Oh, well - YES, of course!! I had that figured out before I was thumped into getting baptised...

    But to take your thread title literally - "Who really are JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES - really?"

    The simple and quick answer is "Victims of a CULT"... With all the damage, baggage, and detritus that that situation entails...

    Everyone's made excellent points about the details of that situation...

  • not a captive
    not a captive

    Yes, it is about branding.

    Ever notice how everyone put on the platform during assemblies fit a certain brand-type? It was uncanny how examples of exemplary publishers followed this certain type. Yet I knew of some that dealt with really bizarre situations trying to fulfill "Jehovah's requirements". Their lives were hard but they didn't fit the brand as long as they didn't get in a certain amount of hours in the regular field service. I used to think that they were too busytrying to actually be a Christian to get to every meeting or be out preaching.


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