Satan and demons

by XPeterX 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XPeterX

    Has anyone ever felt the presence of demons in the past?A lot of JWs have told me that they had or got beaten,heard voices,whispers etc.Is it true?

  • carla

    Maybe the are schizophrenic? Maybe they like the attention such stories ellicit? Kind of sad that that is how they get the needed attention and feelings of 'love' from their very conditional friends. Mental issues seem common among jw's.

  • awildflower
  • nelly136

    the closest i came was my mother beating the beejeebus outa me . she would look like what i can only describe as a woman possessed.

    so i'm guessing thats probably a no :D

  • notverylikely

    I seems to be pretty common ... "I can't exoplain it therefore it's demons." Because, you know, demons love to inhabit things at yard sales waiting to be picked up and bought. Or something. I guess they are powerful enough to hurt people, make things fly across the room, etc., but they can't get out being trapped in a salad bowl sweet old Aunt Ida bought down at the yardsale for 25 cents.

  • PSacramento

    When I was a peackeeper in Bosnia I saw hatred and violence to a degree that shock my faith in Humanity and made me wonder if there is something "pushing our buttons" at times.

    Those that had been there before me and saw even worse, mentioned the samething.

    Ethnic cleansing is a most horrid thing, to see gaves with children and old people...horrible.

  • RR
    Has anyone ever felt the presence of demons in the past?A lot of JWs have told me that they had or got beaten,heard voices,whispers etc.Is it true?

    Yep, for 12 years, evertytime I entered the Kingdom Hall

  • snowbird

    {When I was a peackeeper in Bosnia I saw hatred and violence to a degree that shock my faith in Humanity and made me wonder if there is something "pushing our buttons" at times.}

    I saw the same during the Civil Rights Era here in the US of A.

    Imo, nothing but the presence of the Evil One can explain such irrational hatred.


  • JWoods

    People, please - did we leave the JW cult only to keep this silly medieval superstition?

    The evil men do is done by evil men themselves.

    PS - is it not fascinating the way the JW are just about the most fascinated with Satan and the Demons of any fringe religion? Natural, I guess, that people who leave it may hang on to vestiges of this fantasy, for a while, but really - shouldn't we eventually get free of it?

  • PSacramento
    The evil men do is done by evil men themselves.

    Indeed, WE are responsible for what WE do, regardless of what, if anything, "pushs" us to do it.

    Do I believe in Satan and Demons?

    With all honesty, I don't know, I really don't.

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