If Jehovah Disapproved Of Polygamy & Concubines Why Did He Bless Those Involved?

by minimus 86 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • minimus

    Abraham, Solomon and others got God's seal of approval. If they were truly sinning, you would think it would've been clearly expressed in the 10 Commandments and The Law. Instead, God blessed those involved in adultery and fornication.


  • asilentone

    Jehovah is a god of confusion.

  • Terry

    Minimus......what are you up to?!

  • asilentone

    He has been having some dreams.

  • minimus

    I know...it's scary when I start thinking.

  • beksbks

    How exactly are you going to get the cooperation of these concubines???

  • minimus

    If you're the King, it's easy for them to want to cooperate!

  • blondie
    Smith’s Bible Dictionary

    Concubine: The difference between wife and concubine was less marked among the Hebrews than among us, owing to the absence of moral stigma. The difference probably lay in the absence of the right of the bill of divorce, without which the wife could not be repudiated. With regard to the children of wife and of concubine, there was no such difference as our illegitimacy implies. The latter were a supplementary family to the former; their names occur in the patriarchal genealogies, ( Genesis 22:24 ; 1 Chronicles 1:22 ) and their position and provision would depend on the father's will. ( Genesis 25:6 ) The state of concubinage is assumed and provided for by the law of Moses. A concubine would generally be either (1) a Hebrew girl bought of her father; (2) a Gentile captive taken in war; (3) a foreign slave bought; or (4) a Canaanitish woman, bond or free. The rights of the first two were protected by the law, ( Exodus 21:7 ; 21:10-14 ) but the third was unrecognized and the fourth prohibited. Free Hebrew women also might become concubines. To seize on royal concubines for his use was probably the intent of Abner's act, ( 2 Samuel 3:7 ) and similarly the request on behalf of Adonijah was construed. ( 1 Kings 2:21-24 )

  • minimus

    Yes, concubines were ok.

  • beksbks
    If you're the King, it's easy for them to want to cooperate!

    Aaahhhh well good luck on that Your Highness!

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