So- the is too much for you, eh?

by theMadJW 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jehovahsheep

    what is the TRUTH about the wts selling their brooklynn property ?how much did gods organization payout for their members sexual crimes against society?do they still expose the catholic churchs sins?

  • moshe

    Please call Bethel and ask to speak to one of the F&DS class. They won't be able to connect you, BECAUSE, they don't exist. That's right, no member of your current Governing Body has ever said, "I am one of the Faithful and discreet slave". They drop hints in the publication and in assembly talks, then they dance around the subject, talk in the third person, all the time letting JW's assume the GB are also the F&DS, but they never come out and say it is really so. It's called a legal disclaimer- the fine print stuff- so go ahead and believe that Jehoobah is directing the WT religion, through the F&DS who are someplace, but just try and get in in writing from the legal department.

    Ask 10 JW's, what is God's kingdom, and you will see a lot of blank looks. No 10 JW's will have the same answer- so much for unity. Jw's are a confused lot today- not like it was 40 years ago. God's kingdom? Just wait until 1975 and you will be able to see it for yourself! Man that is a dumb question- 1975, stay alive until '75" how many times does I got to explain that to you!

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I go away for a few days ............... so what I miss?

  • palmtree67



    So - JWN is too much for you, eh?

    Or should I say, heh?

    Tough hearing the real truth??

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    It's not enough for me I've been waiting 3days for an answer.

    From your site.

    The Churches HATE us JWs- with VERY good reason; the holy spirit has moved us to preach to the public as Christ and his apostles and disciples did- to the public, rather than build fancy buildings to attract people like flies! Annnnd, it has moved us to reveal all the Lies that CHURCHianity has been deceiving the masses with ever since Christ was resurrected!
    But alas!....
    Does that mean we have no faults? Ha! We have many! Have we made Mistakes? Even more so- ESPECIALLY with silly speculation on prophecy! The self-proclaimed "Faithful & Discreet Slave Class" is mentioned more than Christ is...

    Which class are you? Where do you get your authority to question the org?

    Are you saying they're not so "Faithful & Discreet" when they have all those faults and after they made all those mistakes?

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Mary......your WT covers are one of the highlights of the board. So creative and funny.

    Think About It

  • Gerard
  • thetrueone

    Re: So- the is too much for you, eh ?

    You want the truth ? You want the truth....... You cant handle the truth !

    So MadJW do you really think that crooked lawyer Rutherford that gave you your name and identity

    was pure and genuinely a well educated bible scholar, full of honest compassionate virtue.

    Or was he just a power playing money grabbing opportunist that did nothing but exploit people's

    fears and insecurities to build his own kingdom of wealth and stature. ....ummmmm

    The real reason no one wants to discuss or comment on your topic thread any more is because

    you have nothing of value to debate.

    You just express typical Watchtower indoctrination, empty headed irrational nonsense thats been programed

    into you by this notably corrupt publishing corporation.

  • RR

    He just likes to hear himself

  • dinah

    You can't argue with a 3-yr-old. They usually win.........then 10 years later you can laugh about it. Unless the 3-yr-old doesn't grow up.

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