Let's get that field service time in...

by Jim_TX 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX
    "Supposition can be dangerous..Perhaps he was just waiting for someone who didn't show up and was reading his mags while he waited?"

    Yeah, right. I might have believed that 10 years ago - but these days most everyone has something called a 'cell phone' which he could have used very easily to locate that 'someone' that he was waiting for.

  • Heaven

    Yes, let's do something as useless as teets on a bull.

  • mentallyfree31

    It's funny - when I was just a publisher I would deduct time spent on breaks and snacking at the service station. Then when I started pioneering, i quickly learned from veteran pioneers that my time starts when I leave the KH and ends when I knock off at the end of the day. I was told "jehovah is gonna let us eat".

    So i quickly learned that breaktime was valueable time to be counted so as to get that 90 hours. The clock never stopped all day long, until we made the last call. Running errands, eating, breaking - it was all field circus.


  • Voldypoo

    Jim_TX - it seems - you have a certain - obsession with - hyphens. Perhaps - you should consider - a grammar book. But you have - a point. Glad I got out of this cult all those years ago.

  • Gayle

    Oh, the EMPTINESS!

    Quite suffocating!

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Voldypoo - what's your issue with hyphens - Welcome to the Forum - (I guess that last hyphen is redundant!) - - -

  • Billy Pilgrim
    Billy Pilgrim

    I see JWs out in street work frequently. There's a heavily traveled public mall they use. Sometimes they arrive quite early in the morning -- and they greatly outnumber the non-JWs. Then they just stand there holding up the magazines, saying nothing to passers-by. Or they'll gather in a large cluster talking with each other, still holding up their magazines, quite oblivious to the pedestrian traffic. Yes, it's all about getting that field service time in -- and maybe leaving a few older magazines on benches. What a waste. Why not use that organized time and energy to assist the elderly, those sick, or even helping youngsters with their homework?

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Welcome Billy Pilgrim -- I like your hyphen style! Anyhow, TWO NEWBIES on this thread alone...

  • Billy Pilgrim
    Billy Pilgrim

    Thank you for the welcome, Meeting-Junkie-No-More. Re: hyphens. I prefer to call them "dashes." Poet Emily Dickinson used them in abundance. I confess, the subject of "counting time" has annoyed me for years. If you're going to organize people for a "cause," at least have them do something beneficial.

  • sir82

    There's an elderly JW lady I pass on a city bench occasionally while walking from my bus stop to my office.

    She just sits there, gazing idly off into space.

    In one hand she holds a Watchtower or Awake.

    She makes no effort to engage anyone in conversation. She makes no effort to make eye contact with anyone. She just sits there with her arm resting on the bench back, holding up the magazines. If I didn't recognize the mags and/or didn't know how crucial "counting your time" is to JWs, the sight wouldn't even register in my brain.

    She apparently is a pioneer, maybe on the "infirm pioneer" list, and she probably takes the bus to downtown, gets off, sits on a bench for an hour or 2, and gets her time in.

    It's kind of sad.

    Occasionally I see other JW ladies in one of the "pedestrian bridges" that link some of the downtown buildings. They are always in pairs. They are also seated, this time on a window ledge, just holding up magazines. They spend their time talking to each other, no effort at engaging passersby at all.

    Oh, what a mighty witness! Yep, "1.5 billion hours" - and most of it of little to no more impact than these mute "statues" holding out magazines that no one takes.

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