Who apologize more to the opposite sex? Men or Women?

by asilentone 25 Replies latest social relationships

  • tec

    Ynot, you seem to be describing mine and my husband's relationship. Of course, I can't really be mad more than a couple of days. At most. And I tried not letting things pass, too. Just meant the fight dragged out and got more heated!

    Hubbie and I actually just had this discussion, since he decided to bring up the fact that he apologizes when he is wrong. I couldn't help it. I started laughing and waving my fingers. I said, in fifteen years, I doubt you've apologized as many times than I can count on my one hand.

    He said, 'That's more times than you have!"

    I started to argue, but I can't remember the last time I apologized. So I just laughed and said, 'well when was the last time I did something I needed to apologize for?'

    We sort of laughed our way out of this - since it came on the heels of one fight. No need to start another.

    Personally, I think the question should be "Who forgives without receiving an apology the most?"


  • yknot

    I don't forgive those things he sweeps under the rug.....

    I am good person but I am not a saint.

    I am beginning to think a man who knows how and when to apologize is downright sexy and could make a killin' teaching other men how to succeed in smoothing things out with simple words to make us feel better about the situation.---- and ending with a nice deep mind-numbing kiss!

    Ultimately I think men see apologizing in too strict of terms. Apologizing can mean empathy, validation or just a way to call a truce......it is not always admitting 100% error on my part.

  • BackRoomBilly

    Who apologizes more after sex.... ME

  • Snotrag

    Love means never HAVING to say you are sorry

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    In my house I do the bulk of the apologizing.

    Hubby is calm cool and collected and I am not, so I end up having plenty to apologize for.

    Well actually, for the most part I am calm too, there is just a couple of things that make me go off the chart and behave in a way I later regret.

  • mindmelda

    That has to be individual. I know women who are quite demanding of that, but I also know men who rarely apologize to their wives or girlfriends.

    It has to do with how individually assertive and demanding you are (neither trait is negative if in balance, like any other), and that trait is no respecter of gender.

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