How Do People Like Sir 82 & Others Who Are Active JWs Do It ???

by minimus 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe
    -Moshe, I love your posts and your anti-jw spunk, but I must ask you this:
    Do you have any family, other than your ex-wife, who are jw?


    My kids were still under the influence of their JW mom until they were around 15-16 and then they quit going to the KH. I just quit trying to show them what was wrong at the KH- in fact I let them go to the KH 4 blocks away when they were visiting me on summer vacation. I just asked them about the meetings and pointed out the difference between fact and opinion. I also tried to show them that wordly people are OK! We had fun together and after a couple years they wouldn't go to any KH meetings during the six weeks they were with me in the summer.

    My ex-wife was running the C&W bars with a girlfriend from her job (not a JW) one summer and , the elders came down on her for missing meetings and dating a nice worldly guy. Funny thing, she wouldn't listen to me when I tried to tell her what was wrong with the WT org, but just as soon as the elders tried to tell her what to do, she got her nose bent out of shape. I think the elders suspected that she was having TOO much worldly fun and she didn't want to say too much and get d'fd. I'm still waiting for her to tell me, I was right all along about the KH.

    So, no I have no family who is a JW right now, but I have been to hell and back, in losing my kids to the WT and then getting them back.

  • jamiebowers

    Thank you for answering my uestion, Moshe.

  • minimus

    Moshe, you probably put the seeds of doubt into the ex.

  • moshe

    Minimus, I am pretty sure some of what I said before she divorced me stayed in the back of her mind. I made a big to-do about the 1914 generation being kaput and then about six years later, in 1995, the WT had a big change on the 1914 generation. It was right around that time that she stopped going to the meetings, so just maybe there is a connection. She has never mentioned the JW's to me and the last time I saw her personally was in 2000 when our daughter got married. I know she is kicking herself for signing away her 1/2 share of a pension I had vested rights to. I can still see her lawyer asking me for the information on the pension and I told my wife, "if you are so worried about the future (she was 38) and you believe Armageddon isn't coming for another 25 years, then maybe you just need to stay married to me"- she turned to her lawyer, " Let him keep the pension, for all the good it will do him, I don't need it"

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