A Very Solomn Warning!

by wannabe 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wannabe

    A Very Solemn Warning!

    How many people today really understand the Bible? Would we believe that, some or any, for that matter, of the Mainline Religious Leader's of Christendom's great system of Religion, understand the Bible well enough to teach it to their flock's? So that the adherents of these Religious systems, could in turn teach it to others? In so doing produce a People, who could ligitimately call themselves Christian's? The Truth of the matter is, only very few really understand the Bible; in fact they are very difficult to come across today. The few that really do understand it, are permitted to understand it; but as for the World in general, the Bible reveals they are not permitted to understand it even though they make claim that they do. There is one essential key ingredient they need to understand it, that they are not permitted to possess. Lacking this key ingredient they could, never, try as they might, get the sense of the message of the Bible. This next following scripture will explain what, exactly that key ingredient is; however there is much more than this lack to consider, as I'll show:

    15"If you love me, you will obey what I command. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— 17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, forhe lives with you and will be in you."John 14:15-17 NIV} {1 John 2:27}

    We see from this that genuine love and obedience to what the Christ Commands is a key essential factor. Lacking that he would never ask the Father on your behalf for the Holy Spirit; and he points out here that the World in general cannot accept the Holy Spirit. Does not see him or know him. Without, which, no knowledge of the Bible is even possible. You will notice though, that some do know him and lives with them and is in them. These are the few mentioned at the outset. Further on I'll discuss those few in more depth, but you will see they are mentioned again in the following scripture: {John 14:26:16:13} {1 John 2:27}

    19" We know that we are children of God and that the world around us is under the control of the evil one." {1 John 5:19 NLT}

    These few, as you see, are not under the control of the evil one, but the entire World around them, is under his power and control; which poses even greater difficulty for the World in General. That alone makes taking in life saving knowledge impossible for them. While under that power. Something that makes it even more impossible for them, are the following words of the Apostle John, which are: {John 17:3}

    "The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." {Revelation 12:9 NIV}

    So in spite of any efforts they may put forward to learn the truth of the Bible, it is totally impossible for them, in that satan is misleading this entire World, through his great system of Religion who all make claim to being something, that is impossible for them to be. That is representatives of the Christ. As does the Pope! As does the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. So, what these Religious Bodies teach are falsehoods and lies, spread abroad by the adherents of these Religions. One major identifying characteristic of these falsehoods and lies is the long established record of 130 years of failed predictions and false prophecies of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. So, not too difficult to spot this false prophet, is it?

    3"And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. {2 Corinthians 4:3,4 NIV}

    Was you to try to tell them that satan holds them all in his power, misleads and blinds them all they will not believe you regardless, of the fact, they cannot see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Christ. The Religious Leaders themselves take all of that Glory to themselves. As does all of the Mainline Religious Leaders of Christendom's Church's- the Pope, and the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They do that because they do not see the exalted position the Christ now holds, and since the first Century. Seated at his Father's right hand holding 'all authority over heaven and earth,' in full control of the Holy Spirit. {Acts 2:33 Matthew28:18-20} Psalm 110:1,2} [Ephesians 1:20-23} {Philippians 2:5-11} To Jesus, now, "every knee should bend! Of those in heaven and those on earth and those under the ground." They must recognize the "Superior position" of Jesus, and realize that he has "a name above every other name." {2:911}Philippians

    Like it! Don't like it! Every Religion on the face of this earth right now, is under the power and control of the devil! They are ALL misled and blinded by him, and are ALL on that broad road that leads to destruction. Stay on that road, and you'll learn to your great saddness it is a dead end road, and you'll be dead at the end of it, if you stay on it. You are, of course free to choose.

    What about these few Legitimate Children of God? How did they become such? Why that's simple! They recognized the high and lofty position of the Christ, and believed every word he said. What did he say that they believed? The Following:

    6Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."John 14:6 NIV}

    Why, here, did Jesus say, "except through me?"

    5"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus"... {1 Timoty 2:5 NIV}

    Do we really wish to learn the way of the truth of the Bible? Do we really wish to gain everlasting life? Did Jesus say that way could be found through any of the blind misled Religious Leaders on our earth today? Held in satan's power? Such as the Pope? Or the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses? Or any other Religious teacher that roam our earth now? He said that he was the only way. Paul said that Jesus was the ONE mediator, between God and Man! In case you've never noticed before; ONE means one single one; not two, not three, just one single ONE!

    Okay! Now we must gain access to the Christ! Just how is that accomplished? There has to be a way provided to do that wouldn't you think? Of course there is a way; but only one way, as might be expected. What is that way? To follow:

    44"No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day." {John 6:44 NIV}

    Now! It all comes down to being in Jehovah hands. He is the only one who decides just who will, and who will not, approach his Son, in order to gain free access to himself.

    One thing everyone must remember! The sacred secrets of the Kingdom of God belong to Jehovah. He either grants us to understand them or he doesn't, and without being granted to understand them we're hopelessly lost. Being granted though is one thing we need done for us, but there's somthing else of even greater importance. We must have our minds fully opened to grasp the meaning of the scriptures. If that is not done for us we will not understand a word of the Bible. We will only think that we do, as is the case with Religious Christendom now. None of them have been granted to understand Jehovah's Book! None of them have had their minds opened to understand the Holy Writings! That is the main reasion you will find teachings such as the Trinity Doctrine- The iimmortality of the human soul - the Torment in a fiery Hell for all eternity. Teachings devoid of the Holy Spirit. Taught by Religious Leaders under the Power of satan the devil; misled and blinded, by him. They are the doctrines of demons Paul; foretold., for the last days. {1 Timothy 4:1-5} {{Matthew 13:11-15} {Luke 24:45} These false teachings show they are devoid of the Holy Spirit, and to even to suggest the Holy Spirit is behind them is blasphemy of the highest order. The unforegiveable sin, because they are lies against the Holy Spirit and those teaching them will end up as did Ananias and his wife Sapphira, who were struck dead for lying against the Holy Spirit. {Acts 5:1-11}

    Unless we are drawn by Jehovah to his Son, we will have no approach to the Father. We will not be granted to understand the Holy Writings; we will not have our minds opened to understand, or grasp the meaning of the scriptures; we will in point of fact be hopelessly lost for all time to come, and will remain under satan's power, continuing to be blinded and misled by him.

    Anyone who really wants to follow the Master, better keep very humble before Jehovah, because an arrogant prideful attitude means nothing to him. He cannot be forced to do anything. If he refuses to draw anyone to his Son that person is eternally lost, because no approach to the Son means no approach to him; and lets face it, he's in the drivers seat. We don't tell him! He tells us!

    No one is exempt from being misled! If they are, it's of there own personal choosing. Like the Ancient Nation of Israel, they just loved it that way. Do You?

    As for these few mentioned! In Matthew 24:24 Jesus referred to them as the 'Chosen ones.' Chosen directly by Jehovah. John made reference to them as to being the remaining ones of the seed of the heavenly Woman, satan so visciously hates. {Revelation 12:17} As well, just prior to the outbreak of the great Tribulation there is a final sealing of these ones; again all directly chosen by Jehovah. {Revelation 7:1-4} Of course there's the separating of the sheep and the goats, done by Jesus, at harvest time, with the sheep-like ones, gathered to his right hand of favor, the goats to his left, who go into the lake of fire. {Matthew 25:31-46}

    How many these few constitute in number is impossible to know, but the fact that Jesus foretold there only would be a few, should be enough to sober any professed Christian. {Matthew 7:13,14}

    Religious Christendom, is in very serious trouble not being able to gain Jehovah's main principle treaching instrument, the Holy Spirit; but that is merely a half of their problem. Along with that, they are not granted to understand the Holy Writings, nor have they had their minds opened to grasp the meaning of the scriptures. In a word, Religious Christendom is DOOMED! {Mattyhew 13:11} {Luke 24:45}

    Now if any wish to take the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society at their word, and believe their claim that they are the Faithful Slave of the Parable in Matthew 24:45 and that their Watchtower Magazine is Jehovah's Principle teaching instrument, you just might find a little solace there. Of course naturally it will be short lived solace, but maybe a little is better than nothing. You'll only be a little misled, maybe; but you can bet your socks, you are not exempt from being misled. A little, in this case, goes a long way, down that broad road.

    Equipped with this knowledge, it certanly makes it easier to understand the words of three of Jehovah's Ancient Prophet's, as to the outworking of the, "War of the Great Day of God The Almighty at Armageddon." A World filled with blind eyes, will suddenly and shockingly be opened wide to suddenly realize they were all on that broad road that led them to their destruction, as Jesus had clearly warned them all. A realization that came too late! Because they simply would not listen, when Jehovah warned them through the Pens of his Ancient Prophets. Suddenly a flash of brilliant light, and then, everlasting darkness. {Revelation 16:13-16} {Zephaniah 1:14-18} {Jeremiah 25:31-37} {Isaiah 24:1-6} {Jeremiah 51:39, 45, 57}

    "Exert your selves vigourously to get in through that narrow door, because many, I tell you, will seek to get in but will not be able." {Luke 13:24} Those are the words of the Master! Do you believe the Master? You all say that you do! Well then, act on your belief, by following the direction Zephaniah gave you that would lead you to your survival: {Zephaniah 2:1-3}

    Now these many that could not make it in, were the ones satan managed to milead; and quite clearly, they were not exempt from being misled. Just as all of you are not! The devil wishes you all to be dead, evidenced by the fact that he has already murdered the entire human Race. Are you going to give him his wish, and allow him to murder you too? {Romans 5:12} How did he con Eve? "You will not surely Die!" The first great Lie! They both died! Now, because of that, all of us die!" Did he want us to gain everlasting life knowing he himself was destined for the lake of fire and eternal desruction, he knew what was in store for him, and he wants to take as many of us, as he can, along with him?

    I should also mention that these Few under discussion here, would be, at this time, issuing Solemn Warnings such as this, at this time! It is the time for it now! The time for very Solomn warings! Wannabe

  • PSacramento

    Your posts tend to be a bit long winded, sorry.

    You are correct that the guiding force for all Christians is the holy spirit and one can only come to the HS through Jesus as our lord and saviour, of course the paradox is that ONLY by the HS can one come to Jesus.

    And ALL the proclaim Jesus as the son of God, as lord and saviour have the HS and all the have the HS are sealed, ie: annointed.

    Satan has no more power other than the power to mislead and lie through his human servants, who's goals are to keeo us from Jesus Christ who is the ONLY path to Our Father for us Christians.

  • Gregor

    I have a very solum confession to make. I didn't read the above, weired overlong rant. But I hope you learn how to spell "solomn warings"

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    When you can bring me the original, autograph manuscript of the Bible (or even tell me where it is) then I'll be happy to read it and let you interpret it for me. Until then, I'm not going to read your incredibly long (you MUST be counting your time) posts.

  • blondie

    Maybe he meant SOLOMON warning.

  • poppers

    Satan has no more power other than the power to mislead and lie through his human servants,who's goals are to keeo us from Jesus Christ who is the ONLY path to Our Father for us Christians.

    I'm just wondering: do non-Christians have a path to God?

  • notverylikely

    Unless we are drawn by Jehovah to his Son, we will have no approach to the Father.

    Wait, so the Father approaches us to tell us to approach the Son to approach the Father?

    Makes perfect sense.....

  • Lozhasleft

    I'm sorry I couldnt keep going with the long rambling...

    Loz x

  • Thor

    I will obey


    Slalom Warning..

    " Always wear a Life Jacket.."

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

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