Cousin Lenny and a pinch of Neanderthal DNA

by designs 19 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • glenster
  • Leolaia

    Hey it's my old circa-2003 avatar. :)

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    I've been for the longest time partial to the idea that Neanderthals and Moderns were actually sub-species of the same species. (think of ring species).

    I wasn't too enthused about some of the news articles several years back stating there was a greater genetic difference between humans and neanderthals than between humans and chimps.

    Okay, Okay. Maybe genetic and archeological evidence haven't been the main factors influencing my opinions on this. It was the very hot Darryl Hannah in "The Clan of the Cave Bear".

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Once it became pretty clear that Neanderthals and humans coexisted for tens of thousands of years, I felt it was pretty unlikely to think there was never any interbreeding between the species. Nice to see it established.

    Note how the Borg is conspicuously silent on the issue of the exploding growth in the field of genome studies.

  • notverylikely

    Neanderthals were not barbaric compared to other populations of humans. In fact, they were more advanced in some ways. Your typical quiet, geeky, nerdy, socially inept introvert, that is brilliant in some narrow field, has cognition that is probably towards the Neanderthal end of the spectrum.

    I know they weren't simple muscle bound morons, but I haven't read anything regarding the introversion possible being a neatherdal trait. I checked out that second link, but do you have anything that's better written and on topic? And if you want to know some of the wacky things that end up in our DNA, read Survival of the Sickest.

  • notverylikely

    Note how the Borg is conspicuously silent on the issue of the exploding growth in the field of genome studies.

    They haven't figured out what do with it yet. It's not like they have a cadre of WTBS scientists up there that are BOTH smart enough to understand this AND dumb enough develop a legitimate argument against it. I mean, the Creation book was at best a bunch of out of context quotes grammatical trickery.

  • ziddina

    "Women have the higher status characteristic of Neanderthal and Neanderthal ancestry...."

    No, not what I've read at all... According to what I've read of paleo-archaeological studies of Neanderthals, women had LOWER status within Neanderthal society than among the more recent "Homo sapiens" societies...

    Male Neanderthal burials were rich in artifacts; female Neanderthals were given no more than a hole in the ground... No tools to accompany them in the afterlife; no red ochre to dress the bodies; no flowers placed in the graves of female Neanderthals... At least, that's the latest information I've seen on the subject.


  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Even as a JW, I saw plenty of people who looked like they were descended from Neanderthals.

  • designs

    A cave in Greece has yielded a trove of information on the Neanderthals. Bones and tools have been unearthed. 14 samples of Bones of Children and Adults were found in the cave along side flint and seashell tools. The cave is about 65 feet deep and has been under research for 13 years. The location in Greece is viewed as a major cross roads for migration and possible interaction with early humans.

    Live Science conducted the interview with paleoanthropologist Katarina Harvati from the University of Tubingen.

  • Satanus

    Another piece to fit into place for puzzle of human origins.


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