Talked to an OLD friend...he has NO desire to 'return' to the fold either!!

by babygirl30 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • LongHairGal


    I had a similar experience and I love F.B. The person I contacted also has no plans to return to the 'fold'. They have moved on with their life and are happy and successful, no thanks to the religion.

    The religion must hate the internet and social networking sites with a passion! Because of these sites they cannot control or even KNOW who people are corresponding with. Even their spies with their binoculars who stake out homes of wayward JWs cannot know this. It takes the sting out of shunning or disfellowshipping and this must bother them greatly. JWs who have problems with the religion and are being shunned or maybe want nothing to do with other JWs, have the option to contact people on F.B. and even get together with them.

    In the old days, people who left the religion were isolated and the religion just LOVED that. Now, people can tell others in the privacy of their own home just what they experienced in the religion and why they want no more of it. Bottom line: The religion has no more control.

  • undercover

    Nice experience...

    This is why the WTS fears Facebook...

    I don't much care for FB and don't do anything with it, but my wife does and I don't discourage her or disparage the site, which I probably would except that I hope that she connects with old school friends, workmates and "worldly" people we've met along the way. Let them pull her further away from the cult...and I wouldn't have said a word against the WTS. And sooner or later when her overzealous mom starts to criticize and parrot the WT counsel, hopefully it will help her to see just how controlling and manipulative the WTS is.

  • babygirl30


    You are so right about how social networks DO take the 'sting' out of being DF'd. Took me a while after my announcement to realize my WORTH - cause I really believed God hated me and I wasn't worth ish....but finding an old friend that feels the SAME WAY and to know that he understand how I feel - well that makes my freedom of choice NOT to go back - worth it even more!!!

    troubled mind

    I hope your 'meet up' works out!! Sounds promising.

    When I was in the hospital, some JW friends of mine that I have stayed in contact with despite my being DF'd - came to visit me. My parents were 'disgusted' by this, but held in their disdain until I was a lil better. At that point, my mom came to me and nicely told me that I needed to tell the JWs that I talk to NOT to bother with me...cause it shows disrespect by associating with those who I shouldn't be! HAHAHA! I flat out told her that I am not a JW, so I no longer HAVE to abide by THEIR rules - I can talk to whomever I choose.

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