Did you ever play this legalistic JW game?

by no lies please 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • no lies please
    no lies please

    I remember years ago playing a game at gatherings wherein the object was to “get into the new system.” It involved having to repeat a phrase exactly as you heard it from the person who started the game. They would hold up a NWT or a “Knowledge” book (or similar)and after clearing their throat would state the name of the book that they were holding and state that ‘if you read it and apply it you would get into the new system.’ Then you would have to repeat what you heard. After which you were told whether or not you made it into the new system by precisely repeating what you had heard. A person who had never played didn’t know that the key was the act of clearing ones throat first, then repeating the phrase. It was easy to miss hearing that from the other person. ( I hope that made sense)

    Anyway, it just occurred to me how that game was such a metaphor for life in the organization. In the game you could repeat the phrase exactly as you heard it, but if you didn’t clear your throat first, you didn’t make it. Everyone would have a big laugh over the fact that no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t make it into the new system because you missed the subtle act of throat clearing!

    In JW life you could do everything right but you always had the impression that just one ‘little’ thing would keep you out of the new system. Even missing one meeting could make the difference in whether you make it.

    Really it’s the perfect game for JW’s where everything is so legalistic. Did you ever play that game?

  • Soldier77

    Sounds like the crap the pharisees did to make themselves more holy than the average person. A HA! You didn't wash your hands up to your elbows for 5 minutes, you only washed up to your wrists for 3 minutes. You are going to die now!

    Never played that game, in fact I can't remember the last time there was a congregation gathering...

  • journey-on

    I never heard of that game. The only game I remember playing at JW get-togethers was "Bible 20-Questions". But the game you describe really does hit the mark when it comes to the JW way of thinking. I always felt like some spiritual score card was being kept on me:

    • You failed to make a return visit on that lady that took the mags---- minus 10 points.
    • You left the meeting during the song between the talk and the WT study--- minus 20 points.
    • You laughed at Bro. Jackson for snoring during the talk--- minus 1 point (that WAS funny.)
    • You skipped the book study (back when they had it) to watch American Idol--- that's a whopping minus 50 points!!!
  • Terry

    Carrot and Stick.

    Lure with Carrot. Beat with Stick.

    Back in Ye goode olde Days (60's) there were lots of parties and picnics for the congregation. Many wonderful party games were played.

    My favorite was actually adapted from an ESP demonstration! It was called Black Magic. (Can you believe it?)

    A brother claims he can read minds and goes out of the room while the partygoers select an object---any object--in the room.

    A "caller" (another person working in league with the Esp brother) calls the trickster back in the room.

    The caller points to various objects one by one asking the question: "Oh Swami--is this the object?"

    The trickster replies "no".

    Then, at some point, the caller asks (while pointing at the actual chosen object) "Oh Swami--is this the object?"

    The trickster replies "Yes! That is the object."

    This trick never got stale as long as you did not divulge the secret.

    The secret is in the name of the game "Black Magic" itself.

    Just BEFORE pointing to the actual chosen object, the caller makes sure to point to an object that IS BLACK.

    This signals the NEXT object will be THE CHOSEN ONE.

    I can't possibly imagine any JW party today that would allow such a game to be played.

    Another game was called the Watchtower Game with 9 watchtowers placed on the floor (3 magazines in 3 rows forming a large square).

    I won't go into detail but it is a similar game to Black Magic.

    Somebody goes out of the room while only one of the Watchtower issu

    es is selected to be THE one.

    When the trickster comes back the caller points to one after another.

    When the selected (chosen) Watchtower is pointed at the trickster exclaims, "Yes, that is the Watchtower!"

    This is one is really simple. The caller doesn't even have to say a word.

    By placing his hand over a certain part of his body when the trickster comes back into the room, the trickster knows immediately which magazine has been chose.

    The caller's body becomes a "map". Left Shoulder...Neck...right shoulder (stands for the top row of magazines.)

    Left Elbow.......belly....right elebow (stands for the middle row of magazines)

    Left Hip..........belt buckle....Right Hip (stands for the bottom row of magazines.)

    By placing your hand on your hip or scratching a shoulder of touching your beltbuckle you "signal" the location of the chosen magazine.

    Fun times.....gone forever!

  • no lies please
    no lies please

    Terry, were we at the same gatherings?! I remember playing both those games as well. Quite often we played all three at the same gathering.

  • MarkedFragile

    Oh yes! I have played this game. I remember sitting and thinking, "what in the world am I doing wrong? I seem to be saying all the right things." Then, at the end, it came down to a silly throat-clearing and everyone laughed because I missed that one small thing. I also remember playing a similar game about getting on Noah's ark. People played the game in different ways but the basic idea is that, in order to "get on Noah's ark," you had to pick up on some nuance like clearing your throat before speaking. It was all fun and games then, but your point is well taken: You can say and do all the right things but if one thing isn't right you lose out on everlasting life. Good observation!!!

  • peaches

    shudder!! any game where you cannot make it because of a "minor mistake" is creepy to me....just my opinion...

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    And this game was supposed to be fun? It sounds like some kind of initiation ritual.

  • blondie

    This game was adapted from "the world." It's one of those parlor games.

  • sherah

    Both games were played at the gatherings in my area and the Noah's Ark game. The metaphors are on point!

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