Are you a victim of WT manipulation?

by moshe 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    I read about it all the time here, I'm staying inside for my JW friends and family, I'll keep my mouth shut, I keep dropping hints trying to convince them they are wrong about the WT. Their are two sides to manipulation-ie, the manipulator and the victim/enabler. One can not viably exist without the other. The question is, is this the right course of action? For some people, it is economic considerations that keep them shackled to the WT galley oars.


    "We are here to help others, but we cannot help others until we help ourselves. How can we make others strong if we ourselves are weak? How can we teach others to defend their rights when we do not defend our own? There is enough unhappiness is the world, it needs more people spreading joy. Yet, when we do what we don't want to do, we add to the unhappiness in the world."

    Me again -I have come to the conclusion that some JW's will never leave the KH. The question is, will you let them live the life they want to live (even if it is bad for them) and begin living the life you are meant to live?

  • EmptyInside

    I think right now, I'm my own worst enemy. It's hard getting over the fear of getting out into the world and starting from scratch. Maybe I'm using my friends and family as a crutch,as an excuse. And because I have to be sure, because it wasn't too long ago I still believed I had the truth. Now,I'm still getting over the shock of it all.

  • jamiebowers
  • jamiebowers
  • jamiebowers

    Sometimes I think it was lucky that I had to literally run for my life from the Watchtower. It's easy to choose social isolation and shunning by your family if staying in means almost certain death. I don't know if/when I would've had the wisdom and the guts to get out otherwise. I'm so sorry for those who have that choice to make, but for those of you who do, life is much better on the outside; even without your family.

  • palmtree67

    I like to think of myself as a survivor, not a victim.

  • dgp

    I think Moshe is asking a very good question. One, however, that I can't answer, because I was never in.

    I speculate that the ones who stay in have a variety of reasons. From those who, like EmptyInside suggests, stay in because are afraid of going out, to those who HAVE to stay in or else face very serious consequences. I think each individual person needs to make a decision here. Sometimes you lack the strength, sometimes you lack the means to stay afloat if you leave, whatever.

    This does not mean I don't see the wisdom in Moshe's comment. I just feel that I can't say anybody is right or wrong because I have never had to face such a situation myself.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I think a lot of people REALLY think they can help those still in.

    I thought I could. Still do, to an extent.

  • Terry

    Jehovah's Witnesses are a little bit pregnant with truth.

    They just don't come to term.

    They recognize that the bible has been tampered with but insist on using it to proof text their teachings.

    They claim freedom from the taint of pagan religious connections yet use the calendar with its pagan god names and pay for

    things using dollars with the mystic all-seeing-eye symbol on it.

    They condemn the U.N. but join up as an N.G.O.

    They abhor the Catholic Church's pedophile handling while keeping their own skeleton's from rattling too loudly in their closet.

    MANIPULATION is at work, all right. But, it is the insconsitency which has split their mind into a fractured dissonant mess.

    The entire religion is an ASYMPTOTE! Getting ever nearer and nearer and nearer to an Armageddon without ever coming within a finite distance!

    No wonder they've occasionally gone haywire and actually circled a date on the calendar (that Pagan calendar!) and proved themselves utterly full of horshit!

    Once you abandon reality you are afloat at the whim of insanity.

  • Anti-Christ

    Good point moshe and also terry. I was asking myself that question this week. I'm not going to meetings any more ( I'm not sure how long maybe 5 years) but I am technically still a JW I never sent the letter. I am now thinking of making it official. I am giving myself excuses not to, I can still help some that are still in, I would make it difficult for my in-laws, etc.. but I know this is all BS if I make it official then my in-laws and friends that are still in will know 100% for sure that I no longer accept the teachings. By not doing so I am giving them false "hope".

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