Unity against Satan

by Weeping 14 Replies latest jw friends



    Please Kiss the Monkey!!..

    Then maybe..He`ll stop chasing my Ass!!..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    AGuest, if this was the first attempt, I think weeping would get more sympathy.

    There is a pattern of Satan-hyping, book-pimping, and drive-by thread starting that puts off many regular posters here. This is the first time I can recall seeing him/her actually respond to the discussion within a thread he/she started. I also can't recall ever seeing a weeping post that didn't have Satan as the focus.

    It is commendable that you would try to help. Honestly, I think perhaps you are the only one here who could.

  • ziddina

    Wow-eee, AGuest, you sure read a lot into my brief, two-sentence post...

    Or did 'Jesus' tell you that all your commentary covered some nonexistent underlying meaning of my comment?

    "Playing 'nicely'..." meant that you two were of like minds...

    And was no more belittling than a comment to the effect that Billy Graham and Oral Robertsons would be of 'like minds'...

    But instead of that smug, condescending "Peace to you" - which has about the same meaning as "Well, God bless her little heart..."

    I wish you challenges, difficulties, and awakenings...

    Change rather than stasis...

    Zid littlesatan

  • AGuest

    Ummm... my sincere apologies, dear Zid (and peace to you!) if you thought my post was entirely to you... or solely the result of what you posted. I tried to clarify by including the words "With all of that said,I ask the others (may you, too, have peace!): why it is better to "ridicule"... etc., etc., etc.

    So, I really wasn't directing that part at you (seriously) but perhaps I should have been clearer... more clear... clear? I really only meant to comment to you regarding "playing nice," truly, and so probably should have addressed each one individually (but my husband was calling me and so I "cut corners," sorry).

    Again, my apologies for the confusion and, of course, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • AGuest
    AGuest, if this was the first attempt, I think weeping would get more sympathy. There is a pattern of Satan-hyping...

    Yes, dear MS (peace to you!)... I've seen that and I understand. I have read some of Weeping's posts and refrained from commenting until now. Now, though, I posted what I did as much for others who may actually be experiencing the fears that dear Weeping is expressing, as I did for Weeping. I HATE it when people are captive... or tell others that they can BE captive... to Satan, demons, etc. (not that they can't, but they tend to "push" it)... yet, never tell the TRUTH about God and Christ.

    You know, like the WTBTS' unfounded, ungodly, and Satan-glorifying fears and superstitions. Always blew my mind (and heart) when they would say, well, crap, like "Oh, you're talking to/hearing DEMONS"... or "Ooh, you better be careful of Satan!"... or some other such melarkey to try and scare the, well, crap, out of someone (and very often did - what this does to kids breaks my heart! And SO many adults have SO much residual "baggage" as a result, as well!). Over something like a book or piece of furniture. INANIMATE objects. As if...

    YET... these same imposters absolutely deny that God and Christ can/do speak. What the heck? Who supposedly has "all" authority? I hate it, it makes me mad... and it makes me sad for the people who are misled by it including, perhaps, dear Weeping. Perhaps some of those lies HAVE taken root with him/her, to his/her detriment. Perhaps with some others here. So, I HAD to speak up and give the other side. Satan was just receiving WAY too much "glory" for my liking.

    This is the first time I can recall seeing him/her actually respond to the discussion within a thread he/she started. I also can't recall ever seeing a weeping post that didn't have Satan as the focus.

    I agree. And I began to become concerned about the "source" of all that "glory." So, I felt it was time to let a little "air" of that particular demon's "balloon."

    It is commendable that you would try to help. Honestly, I think perhaps you are the only one here who could.

    I'm not so sure I'm the only one that can, dear MS. Whether I am the only one that will, however, might remain to be seen. But thank you for your kind words and, again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


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