The June 15th-2010 WT indirectly admits that most Ex-JW's are happy!

by moshe 16 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Paralipomenon

    The WT is all about half truths. Given that an active witness is only a follower because they believe that the Governing Body is God's agent on earth. Anything that weakens that mindset is dangerous.

    If they said MOST, but a person's personal experience taught them otherwise, it has a chance of weakening the hold on a member's mind. With the word SOME, if a person's personal experience taught them otherwise, then they would assume that while it wasn't a scenario they recognized, it must be the case to someone else.

    I haven't picked up any literature for years, but it used to be extremely hard to find anything definate in the WT publications. "Facts" are more often than not a question or insinuation. This allows unlimited room to backpeddle and blame the individual for jumping to conclusions if the "facts" turn out to be wrong.

    A thing that bothered me was the frequency that they would ask a question in the negative like this: "Would you not agree...?" So much emphasis was placed on the Faithful and Discreet slave being true that the essence of the question mentally resolved to "Is your opinion contrary to the that of the Governing Body" Given that having a contrary opinion is deemed as wicked, unfaithful and Satanic, the mind just accepts the question as fact rather than challenge itself to form a contrary opinion.

  • BabaYaga
    Why didn't the Watchtower use the word, most, instead of some?

    Wow... great catch, Moshe, and yes, most interesting! We are well familiar with how loaded the Watchtower language is... it is very interesting indeed that they did not feel empowered enough to say "most". Those at Bethel have noticed the numbers of the mass exodus, even if the rank & file still believe the congregations are growing.

  • katbird_27

    I think there is someone in the writing committee who knows what is up and wants to get as many as they can out before they are discovered. I have no proof, but that statement just smacks of someone saying it will be ok if you leave.

  • judge rutherFRAUD
    judge rutherFRAUD

    Katbird; Yes the guys in the writing dept. know very well what they are printing YOU are 100% right

  • moshe

    JudgeR, for many years the legal department has been printing full disclosure about where the "truth" comes from- NOT from the Governing Body, Not from the F&DS class, either. The WT articles come from the writing department, but the JW's just won't let go of their idea that Jehoobah is guiding the hand that types the WT articles. If you sued the WatchTower their lawyer could point you right to the disclosures they have printed in the magazines.

    This "some" is a disclosure and they are telling JW's that MOST former JW's are happy and only "some" former JW's want to come back to the hive. JW's just won't accept the fact that they are worshiping a religious publishing coporation.

    The legal corporation has been covering it's @ss for many years, but JW's are just too dumb to get it.

  • acolytes

    I read the paragraph and thougt the word "SOME" applied to those who returned to the congregation-


  • steve2

    I had a different take on the sentence; that is, among those who have come into the organization, some have left and then regretted it."

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