Are Jehovah's Witnesses allowed to live in homes made of PLYWOOD? A Watchtower viewpoint from 1964.

by ThomasCovenant 23 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • GrandmaJones


  • blondie

    The Golden Age, October 15, 1919 p. 47, "A serious difficulty which has been overcome in the use of plywood for airplanes construction was the making from blood of a glue that will stand any quantity of moisture without letting go…. In this plywood, stronger than steel, we have an illustration of how the Lord can take characters, weak in themselves, and surround them with such influence and so fortify them by his promises as to make them "mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds" of error and sin.—2 Cor. 10:4"

    Evidently by 2009 (or earlier) jws could use plywood.

    "I was gone for, like, 20 minutes," she exclaimed, shaking her head in disbelief at the progress. Roofers had nearly finished covering the trusses with fir plywood and were beginning to lay tar paper."

  • cameo-d

    Why would blood be necessary as an ingredient?

    I wonder if this is just a marketing thing. Many people donate blood, but all blood cannot be used. I would imagine that sometimes the blood "expires" as transfusion material after a certain date. How are you going to safely dispose of this now "hazardous" material? Maybe sell it to another industry for chemical?

    Gee, I wonder if I can get AIDS from handing sawdust from the plywood?

  • Snoozy

    I remember these discussions..the women went crazy speculating about what had blood in it and what didn't. They always tried to one up the other..

    I bet this was the same time they came out with the articles on "Blood Bait" in fishing.

    Blondie, was that article saying it was wrong to use that glue? All I read was they were using it in a illustration type setting.

    When did they actually start speaking out against the use of blood..does anyone know?


    ps..I remember reading a while back that the FEMA supplied contaminated trailers to disaster victims to live in. They had plywood in them that was heavy with formaldehyde. Wouldn't that wash the blood away?

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