
by XPeterX 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • XPeterX

    I'm not kidding.Believe it or not.He banged her,and they learnt about it and they dfd him

  • XPeterX

    Isaacaustin,he never returned after that

  • blondie
  • straightshooter

    I know of one who invited different ones to a camping trip. A young couple who came to the camping location committed fornication. They were df, but also the person who invited ones to the camping trip. He got df because he was the "host" and therefore responsible for the conduct of ones he invited. I was on the boe at the time and personally know of this event.

  • blondie

    I know an elder who was df'd because he believed all Christians would go to heaven not just the 144,000.

    I know a jw who was df'd for associating with a df'd jw (although I knew 2 elders at the time who talked to and visited their df'd adult children several times a week).

    No sex

  • thetrueone

    Probably the weirdest DF I can remember was when the PO of the KH I was attending,

    got DF for adultery, he was 40ish, married with 3 children and the girl he jumped was 21.

    His oldest son was my best friend growing up.

    Sad really since the whole event really F...ked up the entire family.

    He eventually stayed on with the family but they moved out of town.

  • JWoods

    Yes, Blondie. Yes. (about the previous topic)

  • isaacaustin

    ok xpeterx, no problem.

  • thetrueone

    Elders play with their power sometimes like children playing with a toy, it can be both varied and fickle.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I'm working on getting DFd for apostasy but if anyone's down for an orgy that sounds like a lot more fun.

    I kid. I'm a kidder.

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